
Be stingy to the extreme

By xrspook @ 7:59:30 Classified in: A rotten diary

Every time you take the bus, people around you will always struggle with their mobile phones. Some may be working, but most of them are doing some boring operations, such as brushing short videos, such as ordering meals or shopping. Because I'm not used to short videos, I don't understand why it can be so attractive. My mobile phone doesn't even have a short video APP. The same thing that I don't understand is why they always brush there from getting on to getting off, but they don't worry about not spending enough traffic? I have always had traffic anxiety, because my traffic is basically extremely stingy. The 18 yuan mobile package, including the 8 yuan insured number package, has a 30 minute call, and also spent 10 yuan to buy 2GB of traffic every month. If the 2GB of traffic is not used up, it can be added to the next month. The traffic of 2GB a month is incomprehensible to others, except for the elderly who hardly use smartphones. However, the elderly who hardly use mobile phones also have such a problem. Because they hardly use mobile phones, they do not know how to control them at all. So once some large traffic accounts are opened, it will be a horrible situation.

Without WiFi. I certainly won't do video operations. WeChat is to be opened, because it is uncertain what work is involved, but I will not open shopping. If you find that I am using the shopping APP on a bus, it must be because I am using the traffic obtained from some free ways, such as completing various tasks, such as checking in. I think that only through those tasks can I get free traffic back, so I can have a little confidence to open the shopping APP freely outside and find what I want there. Otherwise, this kind of thing will not work in the WiFi environment. The biggest factor that makes me anxious about traffic is WeChat, which is a WeChat applet and a WeChat search. I didn't know how horrible WeChat search was before, but when I searched something and pulled down the content, there were many videos playing automatically on it. I watched the traffic run fast, and it consumed dozens of MB of traffic in less than a few seconds. To make a check in, you can only get 100MB of daily packet traffic in a day, and it costs dozens of MB in a few seconds. It's too painful for me, who is extremely stingy. Why can't I stop those videos from playing automatically? Usually, I don't think the performance of the mobile phone is very good, but when those traffic can be removed dozens or even hundreds of MB in a few seconds, I think the mobile phone is really great. I can control whether to search without WiFi, but I can't control not to open the applet when the car comes. Because the public transportation in Dongguan is very nervous, the departure interval is very long, and it is possible that the two buses are very dense, or they may be pulled far away. So when you are waiting for a bus at a station, you have to take a look at it before you have the confidence to wait. Otherwise, you will only be anxious all the time. In Dongguan, the APP can almost say that when a bus arrives, it is the most reliable one among all the small programs for waiting for a bus. However, the ads of the WeChat app that arrived in the car have reached the crazy level. It can consume more than 200 MB of traffic in a dozen seconds. This includes the startup ads that pop up when the applet is opened, and the ads that are inserted on each board. You can't tell when that thing will pop up. In fact, when you click on a function, you may click on an advertisement, because it is automatically refreshed later, and your hand speed is too fast, so the moment it is refreshed, it will continue. The way to deal with the crazy advertising of the WeChat app car that burns traffic is that I take the initiative to open the WeChat youth mode. I found that in that mode, there were no advertisements for the applet, or not at all. At least I saw an advertisement for hungry people, but it was only an advertisement. When I checked the traffic again, it was only KB or several MB, and the cost was reasonable. I have tried WeChat's youth model and the elderly model, and found that the elderly model has no effect on advertising prohibition. So now I can only form this habit. When I go out, without WiFi, I will open the WeChat youth mode. In this case, at least I don't need to worry about the traffic flow when the car arrives. I didn't do anything and I was robbed of a lot of traffic all of a sudden. This kind of thing is hard to accept.

Of course, if your monthly mobile phone traffic reaches 30GB or even 300GB. The arrival of the car or the short video APP is not a problem.


Holiday anxiety

By xrspook @ 11:50:43 Classified in: A rotten diary

When I wake up, I will ask myself, where am I? It's easy to know what time it is. Just light the bracelet, but where am I? In fact, there are only two places, either in the dormitory of the company or in the bed of the family. When I was in my own bed. I have another question. What's the date today? What day is it? Do I have to work? So why is there such a question? Of course, this kind of thing doesn't happen very often. Usually when I switch between two places, I will have this kind of inexplicable anxiety. When I woke up in the dormitory, I didn't know where I was. Look around and you'll probably know, but when you think of today's day in your bed? Today, whether you want to go to work or not will make you have to concentrate for a while, and then it will be difficult to continue sleeping. The whole person will wake up without knowing why. For people who have only slept in one place all the time, there is no such trouble, at least there is no such trouble as asking where I am now. May I still have to work? What day is it today? If every day is a workday, just ask what time is it? It's OK to get up or not, but because an ordinary workday has become a holiday, people's biological clock suddenly can't turn around.

It's a holiday for me, but it's still a working day for others, and there will be other worries. For example, things at work will continue to find you. Some people may be embarrassed to find someone else when they know you are on vacation, but some have to ask you to give an answer. What's the difference between such a holiday and going to work? It can even be said that such a holiday is harder than going to work. If you are going to work and sit there all day, it is natural for someone to look for you. In fact, the number of times and duration of people looking for you every day are not too many, at least not too many compared with the working time of a whole day. However, if you are on vacation and you are outside, you will feel inexplicable anxiety if you can't find enough information to answer. Because everything on hand may not support the results they want, but you do have some data on hand. While struggling with where I am going to find more information, my brain is running at full speed. How can I use the information on my head to piece together the effect they want. So the real holiday is that everyone has a holiday and no work.

Everyone has a holiday, and there will be a very annoying program - robbing red envelopes. Of course, if you don't care about red envelopes at all, you can directly block them. But if you want to grab the red envelope and then don't want to be harassed, it is impossible. Also, when you are on holiday, someone is on duty in the unit, and they should brush their sense of presence when they are on duty. So when you are still asleep in bed, they are there to send pictures. After sending pictures, leaders are still praising people, so why should they be harassed like this? Is this work? It's a job for people on duty, but it's really a harassment for more of us. The director is praising, and the section chief is praising. So many people come back and forth and tinkle, which has nothing to do with our own work. But this is because of the courtesy exchanges and the leaders' concern for the colleagues on duty. This kind of thing continues. This kind of thing that I think is very boring is repeated every day of every holiday.

Now for me, work is indeed the whole of my life, but the problem is that I don't like this incidental atmosphere at all.


Various unitary moths

By xrspook @ 9:09:32 Classified in: A rotten diary

I don't know whether it is my psychological role or really that. I feel something crawling on the bed when I go to bed on Sunday night. It may be on my leg or my arm. It is also uncertain whether it is mosquitoes or some reptiles, or some of my hallucinations. In fact, I didn't feel a special itch, but I knew I had scratched my hand. The following Monday, I spent a lot of iodophor cotton swabs, because I often had to wash my hands, so I washed and painted, painted and washed again. The skin is scratched superficially. Generally speaking, it can scab in a day or two, and there is no feeling, but at the beginning, the feeling is still pretty dead. I know I've scratched the back of my hand. Why should I scratch it?

When I came home this weekend, I found a very strange phenomenon. I don't know why. When I wake up in the morning, when I sit up, I will smell a foul smell of urine. But in fact, it's not just the smell of ammonia, but the smell of the toilet. Why can't I smell it when I lie there, but when I sit up? I sniffed the mosquito net, mat and clothes on my body carefully again and again, but still no source of odor was found. So why does that smell only appear where I sit, when I get up? Other times when I sit in the same position in the same place, I can't smell that smell. My room is only separated from the bathroom by a wall. If the upstairs toilet is blocked, theoretically the smell in the bathroom should be stronger. I also carefully checked the wall between the room and the bathroom, and found nothing unusual. I have never experienced this kind of thing before, so when I felt this on the first day, I doubted whether I had an illusion, but I felt this for three consecutive days, which is obviously not an illusion. I haven't told my mother about this discovery yet. If she knows, she must be more troubled than I am, but it is useless to just tangle. If you can't find the reason, it will only make people worry for a long time. I always feel small animals crawling at night, which makes me feel itchy in some part of my body. I don't know why I smell that smell when I get up. There is also the fear that it will rain heavily when I get up on Monday morning, so my work process will become very bumpy. These factors combined to cause me not to sleep soundly on Sunday night. Another reason why I didn't sleep well was that I had to turn off the computer before going to bed and had to force it to turn off. In my impression, I didn't do anything strange at all. I just did my daily work and read microblog, and then there was no later. The only difference before the root is that I deleted some old version updates of Windows in the system storage, but those things show that they can be deleted, and it has been a long time. According to the online solution, I changed the group policy, but found that there was no pop-up window, but it could never be closed when I was shutting down. Finally, I had to hot start. After the hot start, I canceled the change of the main policy, and then looked at the registry, but did not make any changes. So in a nutshell, I just went back to the origin. I don't know why. After recovery, the pop-up window that had to be forced to shut down recently disappeared, so you really don't know how the ghost of win10 came and disappeared.

I feel that going home at the weekend will make me anxious.


Nucleic acid anxiety

By xrspook @ 19:25:35 Classified in: A rotten diary

There is something called nucleic acid anxiety disorder. The reason for this problem is that we always receive various requests to test nucleic acid, which may be large-scale, which may be 2 tests every 3 days, 5 tests every 14 days, or what we can do only with a negative nucleic acid report within 24 hours or 48 hours. So what comes out naturally is: How do I go to the place where the nucleic acid is measured? Where do I choose to do nucleic acid? When am I going to do nucleic acid?

If I am at work, I usually worry about how to make nucleic acid. If you want to go to the Machong Hospital from your unit, the distance is more than 10 kilometers. If you take the bus, it is really a detour, and it doesn't take more than an hour to make a one-way trip. In that case, you can only find your teammates to rub the car. Fortunately, I'm not the only one who usually needs to do nucleic acid work, especially those who can return to work only after two negative reports in three days. In that case, you must find a teammate, or you can't finish the task at all.

If you are at home, there are indeed several hospitals that can do nucleic acid within the 15 minute walking range of my life circle, including community hospitals, public AAA hospitals, and private hospitals, but all of them are self funded nucleic acids, all of which are single tube nucleic acids. The prices of different hospitals are different. For example, a private hospital can't charge more than 40 yuan for a single tube according to the state regulations. They charge 40 yuan, while those hospitals that only take samples and send them out for testing will charge 34.09 yuan. I don't know why, the most famous third class hospital near my home is the lowest in the nearby hospitals, only 32.5 yuan. Hospitals have many prices, and the most important thing is that their sampling time is different. The most amazing thing is the community hospital, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. Some specific people may take longer sampling time, but it will not open 24 hours a day. A Grade III A hospital is on the 24-hour list published, where nucleic acid needs to be made an appointment. I have never seen anything in the appointment number in the early morning. In theory, they release the numbers in different periods of time, but in fact, when I step on it, I have never seen a new number come out. The number that can be reserved in different periods of the day is zero most of the time. In other top three hospitals and private hospitals, their time seems to be reliable. They are stable from Monday to Friday, and there are morning and afternoon. But there are various special cases on Saturday. But it is certain that it is difficult to find a place to measure nucleic acid at one's own expense after 5 p.m. So that's why I had to ask for leave and go home early on April 2, because that day was the beginning of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday. There must be a lot of traffic jams in the afternoon and evening rush hour. The work time of the unit was 5 p.m. When I got off the bus and got home, it was estimated that at 8 or 9 o'clock, there was no place to do nucleic acid, and the neighborhood committee had already left work.

So I can almost say that every time I return to work and go home, I only have various information related to nucleic acid left in my mind. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to various epidemic prevention policies updated on the official public accounts of various regions. Things in other parts of China are just news for me, but things in Guangdong, especially in Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen, will directly affect my travel. It will affect whether I can return to work, whether I can go home, whether I can go out after I go home, and whether I want to do nucleic acid, and how many times I need to do nucleic acid. It is not easy to determine when and where to do nucleic acid. It is also necessary to guess when the results of nucleic acid detection will come out, because only in that way can 24 hours and 48 hours be calculated. The time of nucleic acid sampling is relatively controllable, but when the report comes out, even if you go to the same place for sampling, the time of the result is very nerve. When the results are not found when they should come out at ordinary times, it will make people feel very nervous and unwarranted tension comes one after another.

I have never been to so many hospitals near my home before.


Probably anxiety disorder

By xrspook @ 14:34:22 Classified in: A rotten diary

It can almost be said that when I sleep to a certain time every night, I don't know why I wake up. It was quiet all around and there was basically no sound, so I could hear everything that made sound clearly. Next I will hear my mother coughing. She has always had chronic bronchitis, so coughing is a common thing for her, at least in my memory, she has always been like this. I still remember when I was young, she always went to see a doctor in the provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, but later she didn't go. Seeing that doctor will certainly make her symptoms better, but after a long time of insistence, it still can not be cured. So my mother's approach is to open the door. The situation is the same as that of doctors now facing COVID-19. If the patient has any symptoms, they should use corresponding methods to deal with them. In most cases, my mother will not go to the hospital, but to the medical room of the unit. The doctors there are familiar with her condition, and more importantly, the medical room of the unit is actually equivalent to a community hospital, and the drug price is cheaper than that of Grade III A hospitals. According to the difference between community hospitals, the medical room can prescribe relatively more medicines, or some different kinds of medicines. My mother is not the kind of person who wants to spend all the money in the medical insurance card every month, so even if she prescribes some other drugs, she is just looking at the door.

I think bronchitis and rhinitis are really good friends for my mother. Rhinitis and bronchitis are greatly affected by the weather and environment. Sometimes it may not be a real bacterial infection, just because of allergic reaction, so allergic drugs are usually available in my home.

I didn't think I would have an allergic reaction before. Although skin tests when I was young have confirmed that I must be allergic to penicillin. Penicillin allergy, pioneer drugs can not be used, nor cephalosporins. On my medical record, I wrote that I was allergic to penicillin. When I prescribed medicine, the doctor would not prescribe penicillin for me, but I had to tell them orally that pioneer and cephalosporin were not good either. So generally speaking, I have always been allergic to drugs. When I was a sophomore, I learned that some unknown factors could also cause my allergic reaction. That time, I just met the CET-4. In a week or two, cold medicine seems to have no effect at all. After returning home, I tried some anti allergy drugs, and the symptoms disappeared within two days. Although these allergic events do not happen frequently, I don't know when they will occur once or twice in the following days. I tried to have symptoms like colds, which resulted in allergies. I also tried to take a whole box of allergy drugs, which resulted in side effects. At midnight, my stomach was killing me.

It is one thing to hear my mother coughing when I am awake in the daytime, but it is another thing to suddenly wake up when I sleep at night and hear it in silence. Because at that time, people's minds will be blank, and then they will feel inexplicable fear, and then their wild thoughts will spread out, and if they continue to develop, they will be unable to sleep

Who knows why I woke up at midnight without any reason. People who have been unable to sleep at night are pitiful, but those who wake up suddenly in the middle of their sleep and then start to daydream are also terrible. This kind of terror will not haunt me all the time, but if I encounter it one day, it will still be terrible.

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