
Never tried

By xrspook @ 11:01:21 Classified in: A rotten diary

I have never seen dragon boat raking on the spot. If you want to watch the dragon boat race, you basically watch it on TV. When I grew up, the frequency of watching dragon boat on TV also decreased a lot. My mother would never take me to pick up the dragon boat on the spot, because whenever I talk about that, my mother always says that she saw too much when she was young. Now the news also says that passers-by should not jump into the water at will after picking up the dragon boat, which is very dangerous. But in fact, when she was young, everyone jumped into the water after picking up the dragon boat, which can be regarded as a good fortune. If the water quality is good, jump directly. If the water quality is bad, parents will tie a gourd on the child's body, which is intended to be a lifebuoy. Because my mother watched too much when she was young, she was tired of it, but she didn't realize that I never went to the scene. Although I never said to her that you were tired of watching it, I haven't seen it. Why can't I join in the excitement? One of the important reasons why this requirement was not put forward is that it is usually muggy when picking a dragon boat, and it may rain sometime. After noon or in the afternoon, there will be a thing called Sanjingyu, which will make you soaked. Because I know the temperature and humidity must be uncomfortable, and I don't like going out in the rain, so I didn't strongly tell my parents that I would go to see the dragon boat. I haven't seen the dragon boat, let alone, I haven't scratched the dragon boat, and I haven't even been close to that thing. My mother said that women were not allowed to go on the dragon boat before, but now, men and women are not a problem. It is said that the female dragon boat team in Dongguan is very powerful. Most of their members are middle-aged women. It used to be said that people who could not wear dragon boat under shoes, but in fact, it is estimated that fewer people do not wear dragon boat under shoes now than those who wear shoes. Obviously, this traditional project happened around me, but in fact, it has always been far away from me.

I must have never picked a dragon boat. In my mind, I have never rowed a boat. Although my mother certainly took me to a park in Guangzhou to row a boat when I was young, I remember that time, the boat was trampled on with my feet. At that time, I was just a child, so I couldn't help doing the operation. For my mother, when she rowed as a child, she didn't want to skate, but for me, I had no experience of rowing like this. I really want to experience it, but the key is that I don't seem to know where to realize it. Because there are almost no boats rowed by hand in the major parks in Guangzhou. Nowadays, the boats are either trampled or driven by electricity, so how can I experience rowing?

My mother always said that our generation had no way to understand what they experienced at that time. Indeed, our current living environment is completely different from theirs. Our life trajectory cannot coincide with theirs, but the key is that sometimes we may have some intersection, but at that time, she always said that we did more when we were young, I don't want to do it anymore. The possible intersection was destroyed here in an instant.

When I was young, I was a person who liked to listen to stories. When I was young, I often asked my father to tell me stories about ancient China, but my father never told me his own stories before he became my father. My mother told me, and often said, but her subtext is that you can't think of it.

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