
Clock in Dongguan Keyuan

By xrspook @ 8:57:11 Classified in: A rotten diary

After the continuous rain finally stopped the first weekend, my mother and I went to Dongguan Keyuan, the last punch in point of the four famous parks in Guangdong. Dongguan Keyuan, not long after I worked, actually I have already been there. It was an activity organized by the company. In my impression, Dongguan Keyuan is very small. The impressive place is the building in Dongguan Keyuan, which can climb up stairs. I don't remember how many floors there are. Anyway, you can go up to the second floor or above. Another impression is that it is troublesome to park there, because the bus that took us there is a tourist bus. Because it is troublesome to park, the car cannot be parked there, and the driver can only drive to other places. We told him that after the visit, he did not know where to drive the car back from. In my impression, our visit to Keyuan was very short. Because the place is small, there is no place to go.

This time, when I searched Dongguan Keyuan again, I found that the area of Keyuan was much larger, and it was divided into two areas, one was the ancient building area, and the other was Keyuan Museum. There is also a lake between the new area and the old area. The area of the new area is several times that of the ancient building area (including the area of the lake). I'm not sure what Dongguan Keyuan really has to see, but as the last clocking point, I had to go before the opening of the Foshan Dongguan Intercity Museum. I thought about taking the intercity route to clocking in, but I found that the intercity might be overcrowded at weekends. It was very impractical to go directly from Guangzhou Station to Dongguan, Secondly, it takes at least 30 minutes by bus from Xiping West Subway Station to Keyuan. So I gave up this route. The route I took with my mother on Saturday was from subway line 5 to subway line 13. After we got out of Baijiang Station, we took Guan 75. One of the sites of Guan75 is Keyuan. That station is near the entrance of Keyuan Ancient Building Area.

Compared with Keyuan many years ago, it is more beautiful now. The most important thing is that there are not many people. When visiting, the number of people will directly affect the feeling of visiting. The first time we went to Foshan Liangyuan was more than once. I went there once when I was very young, and again in recent years. The second one was the Yuyin Mountain House in Panyu, Guangzhou. The third one is Qinghui Garden in Shunde. The first three contrasts between Qinghui Garden and my mother's worst feeling is Qinghui Garden, because there are too many people in it. If we can make an appointment and limit the flow of people, it probably won't cause such a bad result. There are many people in Yuyin Mountain House, but it is very large. It is estimated that Guangzhou or Panyu District has invested a lot of money there. It's very beautiful there. It gives me the feeling that it is very high-end, glittering, and there are precious things everywhere. The Liangyuan in Foshan gives people the feeling that there is room in the room and there is room in the room. There are many kinds of exhibitions in those rooms. In my impression, I seem to have seen the ceramic exhibition in Foshan. Compared with the Keyuan I have been to for several years, the Keyuan is now better repaired. Because there are few people, the first thing we feel is that we will not be pushed or crowded, and we can slowly see what we want to see. What I don't understand most is that there are many triangular areas in the ancient building area of Keyuan. Why create triangular areas? In some places, you think there should be no way, but there is still a way. It will still lead to a small room. What is that room used for? In the ancient building area, there is not much explanation. For example, there is a wooden blower in a small room. In my impression, it is used to separate the milled rice from the brown rice and rice husk. But why put such a thing in a small room in Keyuan, and it is still in the central area. Later, when we visited Keyuan Museum in the new area, we finally found the reason why the blower appeared there.

At first, I didn't put too much expectation on Keyuan, but in fact, this trip to Keyuan gave us many unexpected surprises. As for where the surprise is, it will be broken down next time.


Be stingy to the extreme

By xrspook @ 7:59:30 Classified in: A rotten diary

Every time you take the bus, people around you will always struggle with their mobile phones. Some may be working, but most of them are doing some boring operations, such as brushing short videos, such as ordering meals or shopping. Because I'm not used to short videos, I don't understand why it can be so attractive. My mobile phone doesn't even have a short video APP. The same thing that I don't understand is why they always brush there from getting on to getting off, but they don't worry about not spending enough traffic? I have always had traffic anxiety, because my traffic is basically extremely stingy. The 18 yuan mobile package, including the 8 yuan insured number package, has a 30 minute call, and also spent 10 yuan to buy 2GB of traffic every month. If the 2GB of traffic is not used up, it can be added to the next month. The traffic of 2GB a month is incomprehensible to others, except for the elderly who hardly use smartphones. However, the elderly who hardly use mobile phones also have such a problem. Because they hardly use mobile phones, they do not know how to control them at all. So once some large traffic accounts are opened, it will be a horrible situation.

Without WiFi. I certainly won't do video operations. WeChat is to be opened, because it is uncertain what work is involved, but I will not open shopping. If you find that I am using the shopping APP on a bus, it must be because I am using the traffic obtained from some free ways, such as completing various tasks, such as checking in. I think that only through those tasks can I get free traffic back, so I can have a little confidence to open the shopping APP freely outside and find what I want there. Otherwise, this kind of thing will not work in the WiFi environment. The biggest factor that makes me anxious about traffic is WeChat, which is a WeChat applet and a WeChat search. I didn't know how horrible WeChat search was before, but when I searched something and pulled down the content, there were many videos playing automatically on it. I watched the traffic run fast, and it consumed dozens of MB of traffic in less than a few seconds. To make a check in, you can only get 100MB of daily packet traffic in a day, and it costs dozens of MB in a few seconds. It's too painful for me, who is extremely stingy. Why can't I stop those videos from playing automatically? Usually, I don't think the performance of the mobile phone is very good, but when those traffic can be removed dozens or even hundreds of MB in a few seconds, I think the mobile phone is really great. I can control whether to search without WiFi, but I can't control not to open the applet when the car comes. Because the public transportation in Dongguan is very nervous, the departure interval is very long, and it is possible that the two buses are very dense, or they may be pulled far away. So when you are waiting for a bus at a station, you have to take a look at it before you have the confidence to wait. Otherwise, you will only be anxious all the time. In Dongguan, the APP can almost say that when a bus arrives, it is the most reliable one among all the small programs for waiting for a bus. However, the ads of the WeChat app that arrived in the car have reached the crazy level. It can consume more than 200 MB of traffic in a dozen seconds. This includes the startup ads that pop up when the applet is opened, and the ads that are inserted on each board. You can't tell when that thing will pop up. In fact, when you click on a function, you may click on an advertisement, because it is automatically refreshed later, and your hand speed is too fast, so the moment it is refreshed, it will continue. The way to deal with the crazy advertising of the WeChat app car that burns traffic is that I take the initiative to open the WeChat youth mode. I found that in that mode, there were no advertisements for the applet, or not at all. At least I saw an advertisement for hungry people, but it was only an advertisement. When I checked the traffic again, it was only KB or several MB, and the cost was reasonable. I have tried WeChat's youth model and the elderly model, and found that the elderly model has no effect on advertising prohibition. So now I can only form this habit. When I go out, without WiFi, I will open the WeChat youth mode. In this case, at least I don't need to worry about the traffic flow when the car arrives. I didn't do anything and I was robbed of a lot of traffic all of a sudden. This kind of thing is hard to accept.

Of course, if your monthly mobile phone traffic reaches 30GB or even 300GB. The arrival of the car or the short video APP is not a problem.


Loser Aiqiyi

By xrspook @ 8:12:37 Classified in: A rotten diary

IQIYI is really a blockhouse. My mother has always watched TV on the webside. But once when I was at home, the webside asked me to verify my password by SMS, but the verification code received by my mobile phone, no matter how many times I input it, said that the verification failed. This situation has occurred before. It may be that my mother also pressed some spaces when typing, But I have tried many times myself, but I can't do it. So what's the reason? When iQIYI said that multiple devices must be verified by SMS when logging in at the same time, it can only be verified by SMS, but it may also be verified by scanning the QR code with the main device. But if I am not with my mother, it is obvious that the operation of scanning the QR code with the main device cannot be realized. Because that is the web side, no matter how I enter the verification code, it is invalid, so I downloaded a computer client.

In most cases, the account will not be logged out without any reason. At most, it is to play multiple devices to log in, requiring SMS verification code. But my mother has tried twice to log out of the account on the web client. The first time I told her the password of my account, she could log in successfully, but she tried again on Wednesday night, and she said the password was not good. When she took a picture of me, there was a reminder that if I input wrong information for many times in a row, my account would be suspended for 24 hours. Then I asked her to log in by SMS, but I didn't receive the message at all. Why can such a loser do this?

An account of iQIYI, the main device is my mobile phone. I have logged on a red rice tablet, and the dormitory computer has logged on an iQIYI downloaded from Microsoft Store. I feel it can be called a lightweight Windows client. On my mother's computer, I have logged out of the webpage that I had already logged in, so theoretically, I only logged in to a Windows client. The previous iQIYI login account once said that two mobile phones, one tablet, one web page and one guest computer client are allowed to log in at the same time, but only two devices can be used at the same time. Now I have studied the testing policy of iQIYI. There is no limit to the type of five devices that can be logged in. The two devices that can be used at the same time can be any two types of mobile tablet web pages or computer clients. It is normal that my main device account is not logged out, but why has my dormitory Windows client not been logged out, but I have tried to tell me that using multiple devices requires SMS verification. Similarly, iQIYI on the red rice tablet has not been automatically logged out, and only requires me to perform multi device SMS verification. Usually, the red rice tablet is used by me to watch TV or movies at home, so I can scan the QR code directly with the main device at hand.

When I am at work, I am not at my mother's side. I use the account number and password to say that I have entered an error, and I cannot receive the SMS verification code. What can I do? The simplest way is to let my mother stop looking at the computer and use my tablet directly. But how can a small tablet be as comfortable as a 27 inch monitor. So my mother's choice must be that she would rather watch the mobile phone and spend her time on Xiaoxiaole than bother. I tried to scan the client's QR code taken by my mother with the main device, but scanning the code was fruitless. After my mobile phone and my computer have both installed the remote control software ToDesk. When I use a non main mobile phone to remotely control the computer, and then use the main device mobile phone to scan the QR code of the remote computer screen, the computer login succeeds. Of course, when I tested this, my non main cell phone and computer were on the same LAN, so there was almost no delay and it was very smooth. If my non main mobile phone is connected to my mother's computer at the far end, it is estimated that there will be some delay. It is difficult to say whether this delay will lead to code scanning failure. We have to test it to know that if this operation is feasible, then there is no need to worry. Install a toDesk on my mother's computer. When she can't log in, she will open the ToDesk. Then I can remotely scan the code of the main mobile phone to let her log in, or let her pass the verification of simultaneous use of multiple devices.

The account password is clearly correct, but you can't log in. In theory, SMS login is completely possible, but you can't receive SMS messages at all. If it weren't for the obvious but actually impossible things, I wouldn't need to go around such a big circle and use remote control to scan the code.


Broken heart

By xrspook @ 9:30:54 Classified in: A rotten diary

I always feel that there is always a lot of inexplicable things to worry about now, but I never felt this way before. I thought it might be my illusion before. It's because people are old, so they don't react well when facing pressure. But it was only two days ago after I called the people in the corresponding department of the group company that I found that they also had this feeling, which was kind and very strong, so it was not just my illusion. Why should this happen?

This has a lot to do with some policy changes over the years. In the past, everything was basically done by hand and there was no system, so naturally, the inspectors could not be so careful. Now with the system, if I default that you can't modify something, as long as those things comply with the rules, you don't need to worry about them. You can focus on details that might not have been paid much attention to before, such as various deadlines, but deadlines, even if they are consistent with the above, or various rules and regulations are clearly written in black and white, However, there is still some room for understanding in actual operation, and different people may have different views. The reason for these different views is that even in software data processing, different formulas will lead to different results.

How can we call the rotation complete? Is it first in and then out, first out and then in, or going in while going out. I feel that rotation completion theoretically refers to the end of the last business, no matter whether the business is rotated in or out. However, we didn't need to worry about this before, because the default operation is to enter first and then exit, and then enter only when there is a warehouse, but this is already the practice in the static reserve period. In the era of dynamic reserve or independent rotation, the positions of turn in and turn out may not be the same. Self rotation has a minimum inventory requirement, so when your reserve size does not reach a certain amount, you need to completely exit a warehouse, and then rotate from this warehouse, you may be lower than the required minimum inventory. In this case, you can only turn in and then turn out. It may be that the warehouse rotates in and out first in other warehouses, or that warehouse rotates out and then rotates in other warehouses. This will lead to the simultaneous operation of wheel out and wheel in mentioned above, or wheel in and wheel out first. In this case, how to define rotation completion? In the past, according to our idea, when the rotation is completed, it is even the end of the rotation. Because we default to rotate first and then rotate out, but now the situation has changed, so it is not clear whether the final operation is rotation out or rotation out. In terms of the control of this item, what should I do if my turn in is completed first and has met the requirements, but my turn out has not been completed, and the storage time of those parts that have not been turned out has exceeded the maximum storage period of those items? If the inventory is enough, then those things that have not been rotated can be converted. It is unreasonable to put those things that do not meet the requirements. Under the superposition of various factors, the rotation period is a relatively complex thing. My understanding is that the rotation period is the final delivery minus the storage location time, but it is very likely that some people understand it as the period from the completion of the last rotation to the completion of the next rotation, and some people even think it is the completion of the last rotation and the beginning of this rotation. These different understandings will naturally lead to different results, which leads to such a question. Since it is so complicated, why is there no unified statement to let everyone follow? For a long time, everyone has not focused on the ambiguous thing of standardization. The situation has changed, but we have been stuck in the stage where I am adapting and groping, but in fact this passivity is self deception. Suddenly, a man without knowledge used his own understanding to judge these things, and did not know what kind of thunder exploded.

I don't know how and to what extent other places are not standardized. Anyway, I think our current set of rules is not standardized, and there are many loopholes.


Scrcpy wireless connection phone

By xrspook @ 8:04:27 Classified in: A rotten diary

For a while, I used my old mobile phone to connect to the computer via USB cable, and then used scrcpy to complete the task of Taobao. This is actually USB debugging. At that time, I knew that wireless mode can be used in addition to wired mode. I always thought the wireless mode was not safe, so I didn't set it. The wired mode effect has been very good, with almost no delay. At the beginning, I used Xiaomi 4C. Later, I also used the settings on the Hongmi Note11 5G and Xiaomi Civi 1S. But the reason why I didn't use it later is that the larger the resolution of the mobile phone screen, the more strange it feels on the computer. Although there is basically no delay if USB connection is used, the feeling of zooming is different from that of using a mobile phone directly. Especially if I use Xiaomi Civi 1S, because the aspect ratio of that phone is relatively high. The size of the computer screen remains the same and horizontal, which means that the vertical display of the phone screen has shrunk, so it's hard to see.

This time I had a whim to set up a wireless link on the Hongmi Note11 5G. Because I occasionally found that there was a wireless debugging in the Android 13 developer mode. With that, I don't need to connect my mobile phone to the hotspot generated by the computer and then query the IP address of the mobile phone. When you disconnect WiFi and use it again, the port will change, which increases security. The IP address may or may not change, but the port will almost always change. Compared with USB wired connection, I feel that wireless connection will be slightly delayed. Generally, you can't feel it, but if you open Taobao and perform various operations, you need to load a lot of data, and you need to switch many images, you can feel that dullness. In fact, I want to try to play Xiaoxiaole in Taobao on my computer, but I don't know why, Xiaoxiaole will show serious color deviation on my monitor. Although you can still recognize who is who, the feeling is strange. I don't know from which version, scrcpy has already defaulted to transmit its own voice during USB wired or wireless debugging. So why do you use those Carton paid videos? As long as the mobile phone and computer are on the same LAN, the new version of scrcpy can achieve all functions. You can use your mobile phone to operate the computer display, or you can directly put your mobile phone on the black screen, and then use the mouse to operate your mobile phone. I tried the sound. There was no delay at all. It was very good. As for the picture quality, it might be better to adjust it because I only used the default parameters. Why should I consider wireless debugging this time instead of USB debugging as before? Because if the USB cable is connected to the computer for debugging, the phone will always be in a slow charging state. If you have to do many operations that require high network traffic, your phone will heat up. As a result, you are playing with your phone with the charging cable plugged in. Although you can set the screen not to open and the black screen status in scrcpy, in fact, even though this is the case, my Xiaomi 4C can obviously feel the phone heating up after a period of such operations. Therefore, if wireless debugging can be carried out, the USB cable that does not need to be plugged in will not have the slow charging state. The mobile phone will certainly generate heat, but that is only the heat generated during use, reducing a factor that can also cause heat during charging.

If the WiFi connected between the mobile phone and the computer is interesting and the bandwidth is large enough, I think it will be much better to improve the delay and video quality. The problem of color cast is probably because my monitor is too old, but it is still difficult to use such an old monitor purely for office work. Why should I replace it?

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