Opening of the 8th China Eurasia Expo
Source: Xinjiang Daily Published on: 2024-06-27 17:04:20 Author: Wang Xingrui

New opportunities of the Silk Road, new vitality of Asia and Europe

Opening of the 8th China Eurasia Expo

A. Zaparov, Aripov, Holikzodarumangarin, delivered a speech, and Torobaev attended

Ma Xingrui delivers a welcome speech, Gao Yunlong delivers a speech, presided by Elken Tunyazi

Gong Zheng, Zhao Gang, Wang Chang Song, Zumureti, Wubulinuerlan, Abdulman, Jin Li Yifei attended

On June 26, the 8th China Eurasia Expo with the theme of "New opportunities for the Silk Road, new vitality for Asia and Europe" was opened in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center. Xinjiang Daily reporter Xie Long

Xinjiang Ping'an Online News On the morning of June 26, the 8th China Eurasia Expo with the theme of "New Opportunities for the Silk Road, New Vitality for Asia and Europe" was opened in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Prime Minister Azaparov of Kyrgyzstan, Prime Minister Alipov of Uzbekistan, First Deputy Prime Minister Holikzoda of Tajikistan and Deputy Prime Minister Zumangarin of Kazakhstan attended the event and delivered speeches. Kyrgyz Deputy Prime Minister Torobayev attended the event.

Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, delivered a welcoming speech. Gao Yunlong, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, delivered a speech. Erken Tunyazi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and President of the Autonomous Region, presided over the opening ceremony. Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai, Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, Wang Changshong, Chairman of the CPPCC Tianjin Municipal Committee, Zumureti Wubuli, Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, Nuerlan Abudumanjin, Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, Li Yifei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Political Commissar of the Corps, and others attended the event.

Ma Xingrui, on behalf of the CPC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Committee, the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, extended a warm welcome to the Chinese and foreign guests and friends from all walks of life attending the Expo. Ma Xingrui said that Eurasia is full of development vitality and potential. At the China Central Asia Summit and the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, and countries reached a series of consensus, injecting new vitality and opening up new space for Asia Europe all-round cooperation. Xinjiang is an important gateway for China to open to the west. We focus on the strategic positioning of building an Asia Europe golden channel and a bridgehead for opening to the west, deeply integrate into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", continue to expand high-level opening, and fully demonstrate the strong momentum of opening up and development. Xinjiang, China is in an important period of strategic opportunities for development. We will take advantage of the open platform of the China Eurasia Expo, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, promote wider, broader and deeper opening up, and make Xinjiang contributions to the common development of China and Asian and European countries. Let's join hands to share new opportunities for open development, expand new areas of Asia Europe cooperation, and create a new future of prosperity and development!

Gao Yunlong, on behalf of the Chinese government, extended warm congratulations on the opening of the Expo. He said that the Eurasian continent is a key area for international cooperation in jointly building the "Belt and Road", and the China Eurasia Expo has become an important channel for economic and trade cooperation between Asian and European countries. Since the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed, China has always supported each other with Asian and European countries, explored new ways for the common development of distant relatives and close neighbors, and opened up a happy road that benefits all countries and the world. At the opening ceremony of the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, President Xi Jinping proposed eight actions to support high-quality co construction of the "Belt and Road". On this basis, China is willing to strengthen deeper exchanges and docking with all parties, expand open and mutually beneficial economic and trade relations, build a higher level of connectivity network, and carry out more dynamic cooperation in new fields, We will strengthen people to people and cultural exchanges in a broader dimension, and create a high-quality model for jointly building the "Belt and Road" in Asia and Europe. China is constantly providing new opportunities for the world with new achievements of Chinese style modernization. We sincerely hope to strengthen strategic docking with Asian and European countries, deepen regional cooperation, and work together to create a new situation of Asia Europe cooperation.

Azaparov said that China has become one of Kyrgyzstan's major economic and trade partners. The friendship between the two peoples is an important basis for the two sides to continuously strengthen and expand cooperation. Xinjiang plays an important role in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and is one of the most dynamic regions in China. Kyrgyzstan will further strengthen economic and cultural ties with China, especially Xinjiang, jointly promote investment cooperation in energy, water conservancy, cultural tourism, transportation and logistics, actively expand trade, investment and technical cooperation, strive to increase trade volume, vigorously attract investment, and accelerate the development of modern technology. At present, the economy of Kyrgyzstan is developing continuously and steadily, and efforts are being made to create a good investment and business environment for foreign enterprises and investors. It is believed that through our joint efforts, the friendly cooperation between the two sides will reach a new height.

Aripov said that Uzbekistan's relations with China have been continuously strengthened and upgraded to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era, which has become a model of good neighborliness and friendship. China is Uzbekistan's largest trading partner. The two sides have implemented many cooperation projects in the fields of energy, chemicals, mechanical engineering, textiles, building materials, household appliances, medical equipment and agricultural products. Under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, we are building a China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan railway that is of strategic significance to countries in the region. At present, practical cooperation between Uzbekistan and China continues to flourish, and the 8th China Eurasia Expo is crucial to elevating the bilateral economy and trade to a new level. It is hoped that with the help of this platform, countries can fully demonstrate their development potential, effectively attract foreign investment and achieve more promising cooperation.

Holikzoda said that Asia and Europe have great opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation, and the "Belt and Road" initiative has opened up a new world for regional economic and trade cooperation. The relationship between Tajikistan and China is constantly improving on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation, and the China Central Asia mechanism creates a bright prospect for the development of bilateral relations. The China Eurasia Expo is an important platform for exchanging ideas, establishing cooperation and strengthening friendly relations, and plays an important role in promoting regional economic and trade cooperation. Tajikistan has great potential in developing clean energy such as hydropower and photovoltaic, metallurgy, chemical industry, construction and agricultural product production and processing. It hopes to reach new cooperation achievements with the help of this Expo, laying a foundation for the further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Tajikistan and China.

Zumangarin said that the China Asia Europe Expo has become one of the important activities in the economic and trade field of Central Asian countries. The theme of this Expo, "New Opportunities for the Silk Road, New Vitality for Asia and Europe", accurately reflects the great potential of mutually beneficial cooperation between Asian and European countries at the beginning of the second decade of the "Belt and Road" initiative. In the face of the current global trade situation, regional countries should continue to strengthen trade and economic integration and conduct effective dialogue on the elimination of trade barriers. Cooperation with China is an important factor for Kazakhstan's sustainable development. Under the leadership and support of the two heads of state, the new "golden thirty years" of China Kazakhstan relations have turned a new page, and the deepening of bilateral economic and trade relations faces new prospects and opportunities. The China Eurasia Expo will make important contributions to the sustainable growth of bilateral trade and shaping new growth points.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary Siyar sent many congratulatory letters to congratulate the 8th China Eurasia Expo on its complete success.

Eric Salheim, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and President of the EU Asia Center, Fabrizio Hockhilde, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of Commerce of China, Sui Zhenjiang, member of the Party Leadership Group of Beijing Municipal Government, Song Junji, Vice Governor of Shandong Province, and Zuo Yongxiang, Vice Governor of Sichuan Province, delivered speeches to congratulate the opening of the 8th China Asia Europe Expo, Put forward a vision on deepening practical cooperation with Central Asian countries and expanding win-win development space with Xinjiang.

Before the opening ceremony, Ma Xingrui and Elkem Tunyazi met with guests from the state ministries and commissions, provinces, districts and cities, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and central enterprises who came to Xinjiang to attend the Expo. Xinjiang Daily reporter Xie Long

Prior to the opening ceremony, Ma Xingrui and Elkem Tunyazi met with guests from national ministries and commissions, provinces, districts and cities, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and central enterprises who came to Xinjiang to attend the Expo.

On June 26, the collective opening ceremony of the 8th China Eurasia Expo was held in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center. Xinjiang Daily reporter Xie Long

The opening ceremony of the Expo was held, and Ma Xingrui, Gao Yunlong, Elkem Tunyazi, together with Chinese and foreign guests, launched the pavilion and carried out tour activities.

Relevant national ministerial guests, local administrators, envoys to China, representatives of relevant international organizations, heads of well-known foreign enterprises and business associations, experts and scholars attended relevant activities.

Before the opening ceremony, Ma Xingrui, Gao Yunlong, Elken Tunyazi, together with Azaparov, Alipov, Holikzoda, Joumangarin, Torobayev and other Chinese and foreign guests visited the pavilion. Xinjiang Daily reporter Xie Long

Relevant leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the China Meteorological Administration, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the China Industrial and Economic Commission, and relevant leaders of Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xi'an and Shenzhen, Leaders from autonomous regions and corps, leaders from China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, China Aviation Industry Group, Everbright Group, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, National Pipe Network Group, Dongfang Electric, China Chemical, China Railway Construction, China Coal Group, China Construction Group, China Machinery International and other central enterprises attended the event.

Editor in charge: Shi Lijuan