The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to discuss the documents to be submitted to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee for deliberation. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting
Source: Xinhuanet Release time: 2024-06-27 17:01:45 Author:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 27 The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on June 27 to study the issue of further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese style modernization. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting decided that the third plenary meeting of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China would be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China listened to the report on the draft of the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization, which solicited opinions within and outside the Party within a certain range, and decided to submit the draft to the Third Plenary Session of the Twentieth Central Committee for deliberation after revising it according to the opinions discussed at the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that this consultation fully promoted intra party democracy and brainstorming, and all parties in all regions and departments gave full affirmation to the draft decision. They believed that the draft decision deeply analyzed the new situations and problems facing the promotion of Chinese style modernization, and scientifically planned the overall plan to further comprehensively deepen reform around Chinese style modernization, It is a programmatic document guiding the further and comprehensive deepening of reform on the new journey, which fully reflects the historical initiative of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, so as to further comprehensively deepen reform and open up broad prospects for Chinese style modernization.

The meeting stressed that the overall goal of further comprehensively deepening the reform is to continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. By 2035, we will have built a high-level socialist market economy in all respects, improved the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, basically modernized the national governance system and capacity, and basically realized socialist modernization, laying a solid foundation for building a strong socialist modernization country in all respects by the middle of this century.

The meeting pointed out that further comprehensively deepening reform should summarize and apply the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform since reform and opening up, especially in the new era, and implement the following principles: adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, firmly safeguard the authority of the Central Committee of the Party and centralized and unified leadership, play the leading core role of the Party in taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and put the leadership of the Party through the whole process of reform in all aspects, Ensure that the reform always follows the correct political direction; Adhere to the people as the center, respect the people's dominant position and initiative, adhere to the people's call and reform response, and ensure that the reform is for the people, the reform depends on the people, and the reform results are shared by the people; Adhere to integrity and innovation, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics unswervingly, keep pace with the times, adapt to practical development, highlight problem orientation, and promote theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, cultural innovation and other innovations at a new starting point; Adhere to the system construction as the main line, strengthen the top-level design and overall planning, break the establishment at the same time, first establish and then break, consolidate the basic system, improve the basic system, and innovate important systems; Adhere to the rule of law in an all-round way, deepen reform on the rule of law track, promote Chinese style modernization, achieve the unity of reform and the rule of law, make major reforms based on the law, and timely upgrade the reform achievements to the legal system; Adhere to the concept of system, properly handle the major relationships between economy and society, government and market, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, development and security, and enhance the systematicness, integrity and synergy of reform.

The meeting stressed that the leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese style modernization. We must adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party to further comprehensively deepen reform, maintain a high degree of consciousness that the Party's self revolution leads the social revolution, adhere to the spirit of reform governing the Party, grasp the implementation of reform in the spirit of nails, and transform the strategic department to further comprehensively deepen reform into a powerful force to promote Chinese style modernization.

Other matters were also studied.

Editor in charge: Shi Lijuan