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How to open the synchronization setting function in Win10 - How to open your settings in Win10 PC synchronization

Time: March 6, 2024 16:15:04 Author: Lihong Source: System Home 1. Scan QR code to see information at any time 2. Please use mobile browser to access: Mobile view comment

How does Win10 open the synchronization setting function? In Win10 computer operation, if you enable the synchronization setting function, you can easily synchronize personalized settings such as theme, password, language preference, etc. to meet your personal usage habits. However, many novice users do not know how to open it Win10 system Synchronization setting function of? Next, I will introduce how to synchronize your settings with Win10 computer.

Win10 PC syncs your settings Open method:

1. Find the Start button on the computer desktop, click to open the button, and click to open the "Settings" option in the menu list.

 How to open the synchronization setting function in Win10

2. After opening the "Settings" option, click to open the "Account" option on the Windows settings page.

3. After opening the "Account" option, enter the account setting page, and then click in the left list to open the "Synchronize your settings" option.

4. After entering the "Synchronize Your Settings" page, find the "Synchronize Settings" option in this page, and click the switch button to open this option.

5. Finally, in the list of synchronization contents, click Open to open all the options to be synchronized.

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