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Win10 update failure prompt 0x80070643 What to do

Time: 2024-02-12 11:00:33 Author: Yong Huang Source: System Home 1. Scan QR code to see information at any time 2. Please use mobile browser to access: Mobile view comment

When we try to update the Windows 10 operating system, we may encounter various error codes, which usually prevent the normal update process. One of the common error codes is 0x80070643, which may cause your update to fail. How to solve this problem? Let's take a look at the operation steps together with Xiao Bian.

Solution to update failure prompt 0x80070643

(If BitLocker is turned on, turn it off first)

It is recommended to taskbar Enter cmd in the search box, right-click the command prompt, select Run as administrator, and then paste:

  reagentc /disable


  list disk

  sel disk 0

  list part


Sel part number

(Be sure not to select an error! If you select a recovery partition, the number is the number of the recovery partition. Skip this step if there is no recovery partition.)

  delete partition override


(The figure shows that there are multiple recovery partitions. Repeat the command in [] to delete each recovery partition.)

*Do not close the window when finished.

Then open Disk Manager, right-click Disk C, and expand the volume.

Right click Disk D to expand the volume.

Back to cmd, (list part) list partitions, (sel part number) select c disk, and then enter:

  shrink desired=250 minimum=250

  create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac

  gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001

  format quick fs=ntfs label=”Windows RE tools”


  reagentc /enable

Restart the computer when you are finished, and then try to update.

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