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Can the Wechat Files folder be deleted? How to delete the Wechat Files folder?

Time: 2023-03-25 08:54:06 Author: Nana Source: System Home 1. Scan QR code to see information at any time 2. Please use mobile browser to access: Mobile view comment

Can the Wechat Files folder be deleted? It can be deleted. Wechat Files is a computer version WeChat saved data folder, which can be deleted. However, in order to prevent important data from being deleted by mistake, it is not recommended to delete it manually. You can clear the space by clearing chat records in WeChat software. Let's take a look at the Wechat Files folder deletion tutorial brought by the editor.

How to delete the Wechat Files folder?

1. Open the computer version of WeChat and select the "Settings" option from the three bars in the lower left corner;

2. Select "General Setting" option in the setting window;

3. You can see the "Clear chat record" option in the general settings. Click to clear all chat records.

That's it System Home A short article about "Can the Wechat Files folder be deleted? How can the Wechat Files folder be deleted?" I hope it can solve your problem. Thank you for your reading. Please pay attention to more wonderful content Official website of System Home


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