Xinhua text
Iran's military: will continue to strengthen missile power
2018-02-02 11:10:52 Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Tehran, February 1 - Iran's Tasnim News Agency reported on February 1 that Iran's armed forces will continue to strengthen military capabilities, including missile projects, citing the Chief of the General Staff of Iran's armed forces, Sergei Bagiri.

Bageri said that the Iranian armed forces will never allow any form of interference in the field of their own defense and missile capabilities. He said that both enemies and friends should realize that Iran has grown into an "influential international actor" relying on its own strength, and that Iran's armed forces are ready to resolutely counter hostile acts.

On the 12th of last month, US President Trump announced that he would extend the exemption period of sanctions against Iran's nuclear issue for the last time, and requested to amend the terms of the agreement and add restrictions on Iran's missile projects. He said that if the agreement expected by the United States cannot be reached, the United States will withdraw from the agreement. Iran insists that it will not renegotiate the Iran nuclear agreement.

In July 2015, Iran reached a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue with the six countries (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany). According to the agreement, Iran will restrict its nuclear program and the international community will lift sanctions against Iran. The agreement was officially implemented on January 16, 2016.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Yang Ting
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