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New Era, New Act, New Chapter | Draw Strength from the Rule of Law -- Grassroots Experience of Starting a New Era of Comprehensive Rule of Law
2020-12-22 21:25:09 Source: Xinhuanet
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(Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era -- a new chapter for a new era)

Draw strength from the rule of law -- What we learned at the grass-roots level in the new era of comprehensively ruling the country by law

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 22 Title: Draw strength from the rule of law -- grassroots experience of starting a new era of comprehensive rule of law

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yu Changhong, Zhang Yunlong, Yu Jia

More attention should be paid to the systematic, integrated and coordinated construction of the rule of law, and more attention should be paid to solving the current outstanding contradictions and problems... The rule of law force in grass-roots practice is being consolidated and growing.

Xinhua News Agency reporters recently interviewed in Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Shandong and other places, and found that some local governments are improving law enforcement means, creating a fresh administrative environment, delimiting the red line of decision-making power according to law, constantly improving the sense of gain of grassroots people, and gathering strength to open a new era of comprehensive rule of law.

   Intelligent means are becoming the "standard configuration" of law enforcement

One day in midsummer this year, a herdsman was grazing on the grassland, and his sheep inadvertently entered the Xilingol Grassland National Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia. This scene was captured by a nearby high-definition camera. Soon, Agula, a grassland ecological comprehensive law enforcement officer in Xilinhot, and his colleagues arrived at the scene.

"You are suspected of grazing illegally in the grazing forbidden area." Agula said, "You can scan the QR code on the law enforcement card to verify our unit and position information."

Agula explained the relevant legal provisions to the herdsmen, ordered them to drive away the sheep immediately, and criticized and educated them. The whole process of law enforcement was fully recorded by their smart chest card law enforcement card camera, and sent back to the municipal forestry and grass bureau to build an intelligent integrated platform for the rule of law government.

"In the process of handling cases, the whole process of law enforcement has been left with traces and can be traced back to management," said Alatanbagen, deputy director of the Xilinhot Forestry and Grassland Bureau.

The bureau sets up high-definition cameras in key areas of grassland protection to realize three-dimensional control of mobile patrol, designated patrol and fixed observation, and uses three UAVs to collect and capture information. The on-site law enforcement personnel can complete on-site evidence collection, case entry, and case filing application within 30 minutes, and the backstage can immediately conduct remote approval.

Xie Jinchao, a cadre of the judicial bureau of Xilingol League, said that the grassland is vast, the law enforcement radius is large, and it is difficult to enforce the law at the grass-roots level. The phenomenon of law enforcement, law enforcement conflict, and law enforcement supervision was once prominent. The whole league takes informatization as the engine to effectively resolve the difficulties in administrative law enforcement.

"After the list of rights and responsibilities, punishment information, random check list and other information were publicized on the network platform, many merchants' awareness of abiding by the law was significantly improved," said Suyi Rabatel, the leader of the comprehensive law enforcement team of Xilinhot Market Supervision Administration. Geng Yanhong, the person in charge of a supermarket, told the reporter that when she saw the illegal acts and punishment results of other businesses on the Internet, she would wake up to herself.

At present, more than 90% of the administrative law enforcement departments in Xilingol League have set up a legal review institution, and only after the review can the administrative punishment decision be issued. The audit of the intelligent integrated platform of all departments has become an unavoidable link in the case handling process.

   Rule of law to create a fresh administrative environment

"It's too fast, I didn't expect it." This is the direct feeling of Hong Kong resident Li Wei who invested and opened a company in the mainland in June this year. "Compared with the time when I opened my first company more than ten years ago, now I don't need to entrust others to find relationships. Many certificates are integrated into one, and the work efficiency is greatly improved."

In 2006, Li Wei wanted to set up a Christmas products enterprise in Heshan City, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province. He asked many friends for help, because the enterprise involved many departments such as industry and commerce, quality inspection, commerce, taxation, and social security. Submitting materials had to go from one department to another. "I got a lot of certificates, but I'm tired in retrospect.

Affected by the epidemic, Li Wei's export business is under great pressure this year. Rooted in the mainland and developed for many years, she decided to rely on the local agricultural resources of Heshan City to transform and start an agricultural technology company. This time, she has to apply for a business license again.

At this time, the reform of "integration of multiple certificates" and "separation of certificates and licenses" in Jiangmen City has been carried forward for more than three years, and the local market supervision department is the first in the country to launch the "Smart Bay Area Access" service for business registration.

Through mobile WeChat, Li Wei took photos and submitted photos of Hong Kong and Macao residents' travel permits to the mainland. After identity verification, he filled in the enterprise name, business scope, investors and other information. The system carried out intelligent approval based on the standardization of the information filled in. Within half an hour, Li Wei's business license was issued.

Li Wei's experience is a microcosm of China's all-round deepening of reform to create a legal and market-oriented business environment.

Breaking regional barriers, administrative barriers, and information barriers, some regions put an end to artificially adding conditions, and opened up the supervision link. Data began to run away more and more, and people's sense of gain became stronger and stronger.

The rule of law is the best business environment. The total number of market entities in Jiangmen has soared from 258000 in 2015 to 564000 at present.

   Draw the power red line according to law

In July this year, the Jining Municipal Government of Shandong Province issued the Implementation Plan for the Reconstruction of Old Residential Areas in Jining City, which was welcomed by many residents of old residential areas. However, this program experienced "ups and downs" before its introduction.

There is a provision in the draft for approval: administrative organs, enterprises and institutions are allowed to use the public housing sales funds for the renovation of the public part of the community where the unit has sold public housing. When reviewing the forthcoming document, the staff of the Record Review Section of Jining Municipal Bureau of Justice found a problem: "This provision seems reasonable, but there is no legal basis."

"The public housing sales fund is in the Finance Bureau, and this fund cannot be arbitrarily controlled" "The description of the residential community described in this article is not accurate enough, and it is not clear whether this scope includes housing reform, and it is recommended to delete"... At the expert demonstration meeting, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Jining City, the legal adviser of the municipal government, the Finance Bureau, etc. expressed their views in succession. Finally, this clause was deleted.

This is the scene of "full chain review" of Jining Municipal Bureau of Justice. Jining City implements the "four review" working method of "project pre evaluation, index quantification, comprehensive review and dynamic tracking", forming a closed-loop management of normative document legality review.

"This form of jointly holding expert argumentation meetings can put many controversial issues on the table. They have worked together to resolve disputes and differences, improving the quality and efficiency of documents issued," said Li Yong, director of Jining Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau.

In some places, the use of law to set rules and draw boundaries is becoming the key to ensure the safe and smooth operation of grass-roots administrative power. (Participating journalists: Tian Jianchuan, Yang Wen, Jia Yunpeng)

Error Correction Editor in charge: Zhan Jing
New Era, New Act, New Chapter | Draw Strength from the Rule of Law -- Start a New Era of Comprehensive Rule of Law at the Grassroots Level - Xinhuanet