Xinhua text
There is less "human favor" and more human favor
2018-02-02 11:20:50 Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, February 2 (Reporter Zhou Mian) In some rural areas of Hunan, many villagers have to attend more than 100 banquets a year, and the "favor" of "casual" is twice the annual income of individuals. The comparable waste and heavy burden brought by catering is unbearable.

Now, such bad habits are gradually abandoned. Villagers enhance the relationship between people by enriching their spare time life and helping each other. The "human relationship" is less, but the human relationship among villagers is more intense.

In the past, the first thing we had to do was to create momentum. In Maluxin Village, Jiangnan Town, Anhua County, Hunan Province, the value of firecrackers set off in a year is "at least 3 million yuan", with 2000 people in the village, which is equivalent to 1500 yuan per person per year. Wang Liangyuan, the village director, said that not only did the funeral firecrackers cost 10000 yuan to "start", but also the wedding firecrackers guests paid "respect" and the host paid "return" attention. The more they put on firecrackers, the more they will have face.

The road in front of the master house is full of inflatable arches, which are also very popular. Zhou Yan, a resident of Dafu Town, Anhua County, told the reporter that she once counted the arches of an ordinary peasant household banquet, with a total of 80 arches.

"In fact, it doesn't work, but it costs 100 yuan a day to rent one." She also said that every banquet, the dishes are very similar, "it always makes people lose their appetite.". After guests leave, nearly half of the food will eventually be dumped.

Li Shizhong, a villager in Xinqiao Village, Dafu Town, said that his annual net income was 15000 yuan, but he attended more than 100 banquets in 2015 and gave gifts totaling 20000 yuan. In order to "earn more money" or take back the "favors" given, some villagers whose birthday is in summer will postpone the banquet until the Spring Festival, because at this time all the migrant workers are back

This trend will be stopped by the Spring Festival in 2017. Several villagers of Xiaoyao Village in Dafu Town proposed to the village committee to limit the banquet and gift giving, which was supported by most people in the village. A few days later, this suggestion was written into the village rules and regulations.

Xiao Yexun, the branch secretary of Xiaoyao Village, said that even if wine was allowed to be served, the upper limit of gift money of 100 yuan and the upper limit of 20 tables of banquets were also set, and firecrackers and arches were not allowed.

"Up to now, no one has violated these regulations," Xiao Yexun said.

The village rules and regulations were quickly responded by more villages in Anhua County. In Luma New Village, the phenomenon of "cannonade fighting" has disappeared, and the village has become peaceful and clean. Li Shizhong's annual gift payment was reduced to less than 2000 yuan.

"In fact, everyone dislikes putting on wine from the bottom of their hearts, but they just can't put down face," Xiao Yexun said. It used to be the main means to maintain neighborhood relations by offering drinks to each other for dinner, but now it has been replaced by more and more abundant spare time life. "This year, our village is preparing for the Spring Festival Gala, and everyone is very enthusiastic!" Xiao Yexun said.

Wang Shuangfeng, a villager of Maluxin Village, said that he joined the square dance team and flower drum drama team set up in the village last year and exchanged skills with his teammates every week. Last month, we also went for an outing to the nearby forest park.

"Now, even if we have a dinner together, the cost is shared equally by everyone," she said. In this way, everyone's feelings are deeper than in the past.

Liu Peiyuan, a villager of Xinqiao Village, told reporters that last year they set up a volunteer association, which is not only responsible for the daily health and public security of the village, but also often contacts public welfare organizations to help poor families in the same village. "I think it is more meaningful to use the energy and consumption used to put on the banquet to do these things!" he said.



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Error Correction Editor in charge: Pan Zidi
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