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"Don't let a disabled person fall behind" -- Guizhou Shiqian explores the "share dividend" model to precisely help the disabled out of poverty
2018-02-02 11:15:52 Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, February 2 Title: "Don't let a disabled person fall behind" - Guizhou Shiqian explores the "equity dividend" model to precisely help the disabled out of poverty

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Junjie

On the eighth lunar month, a cold current accompanied by freezing rain swept across Guizhou, freezing occurred in Shiqian County, which is located in a poverty stricken area deep in the Wuling Mountains. In order to avoid skidding, the sparse passing trucks on the provincial highway moved forward at the lowest speed.

After more than an hour's drive from the county seat, the reporter came to the home of an 82 year old man named Zhou Pingchang, a severely disabled and poverty-stricken family in Gerong Village, Guorong Township. The old man was baking a charcoal fire basin for warmth, and the house with the smell of smoked meat, fruit and wood was filled with the atmosphere of the upcoming New Year.

"I am a Grade I disabled person, and my daughter-in-law is a Grade II disabled person. The government paid for us to build a toilet that can take a hot bath, invited a family doctor, and paid 1800 yuan to buy shares for me. I just got 1000 yuan yesterday, which was unexpected before." Seeing the local staff and reporters of the Disabled Persons' Federation coming in, Zhou Pingchang took out the red stock certificate from his body as he spoke.

The share dividend mentioned by the old man Zhou Pingchang is a long-term security mechanism for poor families with disabilities that Shiqian County has explored in order to increase the assistance to the disabled.

It is understood that there are 25806 disabled persons of all kinds in Shiqian County, accounting for more than 6% of the total population, including 13999 disabled persons with certificates and 2373 disabled persons with poverty registered cards; There are a large number of disabled people and a wide range of poverty-stricken people. Most of them live in remote mountainous areas and villages.

Yang Yun, the vice chairman of the Disabled Persons' Federation of Shiqian County, said that the Disabled Persons' Federation of Shiqian County adopted the standard of "four clean-up and one integrity". A working group composed of the Disabled Persons' Federation at the county and township levels went to villages and households to make in-depth investigation. The poor disabled persons who meet the conditions of filing and registering cards were "kept in every household", invested in production cooperatives for the disabled, and participated in dividends at the end of each year at a net profit of 60%. "At present, we have invested 34200 yuan for 19 severely disabled people from 18 households to participate in the village level collective economic disability cooperatives," Yang Yun said with Ge Rong Village as an example.

Cai Chengmi, the president of Guizhou Tongren Disabled Persons' Federation, told reporters that in recent years, Shiqian has innovatively proposed "three capital and three changes", that is, the practice of changing disability insurance funds into equity funds, changing love funds into equity funds, and changing support funds into equity funds, so that the way of poverty alleviation has changed from "blood transfusion" to "blood production", so that the severely disabled without labor motivation can get rid of poverty without paying their own money.

There are four people in Zhou Pingchang's family. She and her daughter-in-law are severely disabled. Her granddaughter is only 9 years old. Only her son has one labor force. In the past, life was very hard. Since 2017, the County Disabled Persons' Federation has invested in village cooperatives for the elderly and daughter-in-law with the disability insurance fund at a quota of 1800 yuan per person, and can share dividends by the end of the year. The Disabled Persons' Federation also recommended Zhou Pingchang's son to work as a part-time worker in the cooperative, with a daily remuneration of 70 to 80 yuan. With the policies of subsistence allowances and direct subsidies from the central government, the family's annual income is now around 30000 yuan. At the same time, the County Disabled Persons' Federation cooperated with township health centers to provide free family doctors for similar poverty-stricken and severely disabled households in Zhou Pingchang for regular on-site visits.

In order to broaden the channels of income increase and realize the long-term poverty alleviation of the disabled, Shiqian County has carried out a pilot share dividend in Gerong Village of Guorong Township, Shankou'ao Village and Liangshan Village of Benzhuang Town, Xiaoyan Village and Dayan Village of Baisha Town. Up to now, the County Disabled Persons' Federation has reached an agreement with 11 professional cooperatives or companies, with 748200 yuan invested in disability insurance funds, 208000 yuan invested in village collectives, 86000 yuan invested in demonstration sites, and 237 people from 196 disabled families benefited.

According to Cai Chengmi, the next step in Shiqian will be to promote the corresponding assistance activities in 302 villages of 19 towns and townships in the county, so that more disabled people can sign equity agreements with professional cooperatives with stable profitability, and play the "blood making" function for severely disabled families in targeted poverty alleviation, realizing a virtuous circle of investment and long-term benefits.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Feng Wenya
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