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Moving Q&A
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Complete list of moving precautions and moving taboos
Release time: February 25, 2023 23:43 Number of views:

It's a great pleasure to move to a new house. After years of hard work in a city, we finally have a new house of our own. When we are ready to move into a new house, we should pay attention to that two to three days before moving and the day of moving are the most critical and busy times. As usual, renting a house and moving may be very casual, but moving into a new house is another great joy in life, So we should do a good job in all aspects. What are the precautions in the process of moving.

1. Before moving, we were choosing Moving company When it comes to moving, the first thing to do is to choose the one that is trustworthy, has excellent service quality and good attitude, and the second thing is the price. Because the price is often the most important question for people to ask Changzhou Moving Company, the black moving company just catches everyone's pain point, uses the cheap price and guarantees to attract consumers, and carries out various unreasonable price increases on the way of moving.

2. In the process of moving consultation, in addition to understanding the basic situation of moving, of course, we also pay attention to the price. We need to know that moving expenses are not what your moving company says, but at least we need to understand how the money is used, where it is used, the components and details of moving expenses.

3. There is a difference between ordinary moving and boutique moving. Generally, we are responsible for summarizing and packaging the goods for ordinary moving. However, after Changzhou moving company, the moving company carries the goods on the doorstep. When sorting and packaging the goods, the infrequent items can be sorted in advance, the household appliances can be powered off, the items in the refrigerator can be consumed in advance, and the space in the refrigerator can be sorted out, Clean and de ice the refrigerator and keep it dry.

4. In the process of moving and transportation, the goods in the carriage should be placed closely, and no extra space should be left. If the goods in the carriage collide back and forth when driving, the furniture can be opened by means of pad cloth to fill the extra space.

5. On the day of moving, we must choose the auspicious day. When we choose the auspicious day of moving, we can choose the auspicious day of moving according to the birthdays of the owner and his family. We must not move at night.

6. When moving into a new house, the owner of the house should be present and others can only enter after entering the new house.

7. Moving a new house is one of the happy events in life. In accordance with the Chinese tradition, it is to set off firecrackers to celebrate the great event, and it is also a symbol of good luck.

8. When moving, all the gold, silver and jewelry in the house will be brought to the door. This is called money coming in with others, to ensure that money will not flow out in the future.

9. Before moving, let the house lights up for three days. This is called Fire Nunnery in the local area, which means that the house begins to prosper when the fire shines.

10. When moving, you should invite relatives, friends and neighbors to play in Changzhou moving company. On the first day of the new house, you should bring popularity and ensure that you are identified as Xinwang.

11. When moving, throw a one yuan coin into the house, which means the wealth is rolling.

12. Do auspicious things and say auspicious words on the day of moving. Never swear or swear, especially children.

13. When moving, light incense, walk around the house, smoke away evil, and walk back to the beginning.

14. If you move far away, you can take the rice with you, which means to prevent acclimatization.

15. Please move the god Buddha first. If there is a god in the house, you need to move into the new house first and worship once. When you enter the house, you should first be the head of the family Changzhou Step in, this is called stepping on the gold of Changzhou moving company and stepping on the silver, and the money will roll into the house.

The above is about the moving precautions. There are still many things to be noted. You can follow the moving precautions above to be lucky. People are happy at happy events, and they prefer to believe what they have or not.

thirteen billion seven hundred and seventy-five million two hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six