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Attention to details of moving in Changzhou in summer
Release time: 2023-02-25 21:33 Number of views:

Moving is a very troublesome thing for most people. In addition to the large and small items that need to be sorted out, the process of moving is not a worry free thing. If you encounter another hot summer day or heavy rain, moving can be described as "suffering". I paid attention to it Changzhou The latest local weather, the highest temperature has reached 36 °, there are heavy rains three days a week, then summer Changzhou What details should we pay attention to when moving to ensure the safety of life and property? Here is a simple sharing with friends.

1、 Pay attention to heatstroke prevention

Moving in summer is a hard work. Because of the high temperature, it is easy to get heatstroke. The mild heatstroke can lead to collapse and fainting, and the severe heatstroke can lead to the death of Changzhou Moving Company due to heat exhaustion and radiation sickness. Therefore, matters related to life safety should be highly valued. Moving in summer during the day should pay attention to the following points:

1. Prepare sufficient drinking water: During exercise in hot summer, people will sweat a lot to cool down. At the same time, sweat will take away trace elements in the human body. If you have just been thirsty before drinking water, it means that you have been slightly dehydrated, so it is necessary to prepare sufficient drinking water. If conditions permit, you'd better prepare some salt water.

2. Prepare heatstroke prevention drugs: common heatstroke prevention drugs such as Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid and Fengyou Essence can be bought in ordinary pharmacies, and the price is not expensive, but Changzhou Moving Company is quite necessary. They can be used by itself or by the movers of the moving company in advance to prevent accidents.

3. Avoid driving in high temperature time periods: We all know that it is extremely hot at noon in summer, and it is muggy in the afternoon. These two time periods are also the time with the highest probability of heatstroke, so we'd better avoid these two time periods when we move, and communicate with the moving company to make an appointment for the team members to move early, such as starting moving at 7 o'clock, or if you have a lot of goods, even if you make an appointment early, you can't move them by noon, At this time, I suggest you ask the moving company for more labor, so that when the sun is just beginning to heat up, everyone has moved. Isn't that good? Changzhou Moving Company

2、 Pay attention to rain protection

In addition to the hot summer, the air is also very humid. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and suddenly it rains heavily. It is not a good thing that household appliances and furniture get wet during the move. Before moving in summer, you must pay attention to the weather forecast. Whether there is rainstorm or typhoon, the weather forecast is very accurate now, so try to move away from thunderstorms and other bad weather, To avoid damage to your belongings. Prepare the rain cloth and so on. In case of a sudden rainstorm without warning, cover up the items and do not hurry to move. Wait for a while, because it usually doesn't rain for long.

3、 Watch out for pets

The hot weather in summer is easy to make cats, dogs and Changzhou moving company dogs manic. In addition, moving is an earth shaking thing for them. When a large number of strangers break in, it is inevitable that pets will be manic and hurt people, which will cause trouble, The injured person has to be sent to the hospital for injection and hospitalization for fear of rabies bacteria infection. It will cost more money and affect the process of moving. Even if the pets do not hurt people, the moving scene is still too scary for them, so it is recommended to put the pets in cages before moving and give them to relatives and friends for temporary care for half a day.

4、 Precautions during relocation

When moving in and out, it's better to have a special person to communicate with the movers on the site. When they come, Changzhou Moving Company will briefly introduce the room's items, so that they know what they are going to do. When they arrive at the moving in place, they will tell them the location of the items in time and accurately, so as to prevent them from repeatedly moving the items back and forth. This is all to improve the efficiency of the movers; In summer, the porter will sweat a lot in the process of moving. Sweat will inevitably get on your household items. Please understand more. If furniture and appliances are moved and wiped with a towel, please pack them in advance to avoid trouble.

Today shared the summer Changzhou house-moving Pay attention to details and believe that Changzhou Moving friends are very helpful to Changzhou moving company. It's not easy to move in summer, but choosing a reliable moving company can save you bad heart, Sonny Move 24 hours a day for you.

thirteen billion seven hundred and seventy-five million two hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six