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Moving Q&A
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Notes for Relocation of Changzhou Factory
Release time: 2023-02-25 21:27 Number of views:

Changzhou As one of the four first tier cities in China, the development of industry is naturally very strong. With the gradual improvement of the company, the environment of some companies will naturally adapt to the development of the company for migration. The factory relocation is a huge project. If it is not handled well, it is easy to lose some important equipment, and damage will cause the company to lose a lot of money. So in Changzhou What should we pay attention to when moving the factory? Let's have a look with Xiao Bian:

1. Plan the items of the factory in advance, such as where some equipment should be placed in the factory building,

2. Seal and store the packed articles with adhesive tape to prevent others from opening them during the moving of Changzhou moving company. It is recommended to use relevant cartons separately for the company's information, and make relevant marks to indicate which department or person it belongs to. This is not easy to confuse after the relocation.

3. There are many large mechanical equipment and some simple shelf items in the factory, which can be disassembled by relevant staff in advance. In this way, some space can be saved for loading more goods. It can also save some disassembly and assembly costs and kill two birds with one stone.

4. If the precision instruments in the factory are too heavy, it is recommended to use hoisting. First, pack the relevant items with wooden shelves. Use lifting equipment for handling. Because Changzhou moving company can't handle many equipment manually, it is chaotic when there are many people, and it is easy to damage the goods without attention. It is convenient to use forklift or some small lifting equipment.

5. In the process of factory relocation, it is better to set up a special relocation team, which can indicate to the moving company what items need to be protected and where to put them. Finally, check the list according to the loaded and unloaded articles. To prevent omission after handling.

6. Select Changzhou Moving company It is recommended to choose some moving companies with rich experience and sufficient personnel. Because some small moving companies do not have relevant equipment, they may outsource for a second time if they are not staffed enough. Therefore, we recommend that you choose some well-known and large-scale moving companies when choosing moving companies.

Finally in Changzhou When moving the factory, we must pay attention to the employees' hearts. Because many company employees will choose to leave after the company moves. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with employees before moving to prevent large-scale resignation.

thirteen billion seven hundred and seventy-five million two hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six