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The Network Security Review Measures will be officially implemented today

From February 15, 2022, the Network Security Review Measures (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) jointly revised and issued by the State Internet Information Office and other 13 departments will be officially implemented. The Measures require that network platform operators who carry out data processing activities that affect or may affect national security and other situations be included in the network security review. In particular, network platform operators who have more than one million users' personal information must declare and pass the network security review before going public abroad.

The Measures establish four principles for network and data security review from two perspectives: the operator of key information infrastructure purchases network products and services, and the security of data processing activities carried out by data processors and the possible national security risks: first, adhere to the combination of preventing network security risks and promoting the application of advanced technologies; Second, adhere to the combination of fair and transparent process and intellectual property protection; Third, the combination of prior review and continuous supervision; The fourth is the combination of enterprise commitment and social supervision.

The implementation of the Measures will help to further strengthen the relevant requirements for the security protection of key information infrastructure supply chain, and point out the direction for the high-quality development of the network security industry. In terms of improving the security supply capacity of key information infrastructure, network security enterprises and industries can strengthen the research and development of relevant security related technologies and products in such aspects as "security risk perception and identification of key information infrastructure", "vulnerability detection of key information infrastructure systems", "traceability and forensics of network threats of key information infrastructure", etc.





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