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The spring breeze is ten li, it's better to have you in the group

Life is not just about living in front of your eyes

And poetry and the distant beach

Work requires more than design and scheme

More purposeful Unreachable group construction

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Step down and release pressure

It's very interesting to play with a group of interesting souls

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Only delicious food is worth living up to

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Through this activity

A better communication opportunity between colleagues

Deepen the feelings between colleagues

Strengthened the cohesion of the team

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The years are quiet and sunny

A group construction can live up to the good times

Because there are lovely you

To make the group building more exciting

I'm looking forward to the next better event

------------------------------------------Gorgeous dividing line----------------------------------------

Come on for the college entrance examination! Ten years of hardship, just for a moment sweet! We are working hard for our future, looking forward to tomorrow's sunshine, tomorrow's laughter, friends' blessings, elders' expectations, how worthwhile today's efforts are!

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