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The experience of WeChat, Taobao and Tiaoyin will change! Netizens have exploded!


On WeChat, you need to open Taobao, Tiaoyin and other links

It's a series of "passwords" that I can't understand

Or the prompt cannot be opened



This situation is expected to change

Zhao Zhiguo, spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference held by the State Council Information Office on September 13 that the identification, parsing and normal access of website links were restricted without justified reasons, which affected the user experience, damaged the rights and interests of users and disrupted the market order. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires enterprises to practically promote different types of problems such as instant messaging blocking website links according to the rectification requirements, which can be solved step by step.

Zhao Zhiguo said that in July this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a six month special rectification action for the Internet industry. It mainly focuses on four aspects and eight categories of problems: disrupting market order, infringing user rights, threatening data security, and violating resource and qualification management regulations. Since the launch of the special action, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has promoted the orderly implementation of various work and special tasks by holding publicity and implementation meetings, organizing policy interpretation, unblocking clue reporting channels, guiding enterprises to conduct self-examination and rectification, and achieved phased progress, which has received positive support and response from all sectors of society.

Zhao Zhiguo revealed that in this process, the problem of "blocking website links", one of the key remediation issues, was strongly reflected by users, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology received many reports and complaints. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology guided relevant Internet enterprises to carry out self inspection and rectification according to the special action plan. In the self inspection and rectification, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology learned that there is still a certain gap between some Internet enterprises' understanding of the problem of blocking website links and the requirements for special actions. To this end, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has taken various forms, such as administrative guidance meetings, to further help enterprises realize that connectivity is an inevitable choice for high-quality development of the Internet industry, and that making users use the Internet smoothly and safely is also the direction of the Internet industry.

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Zhao Zhiguo pointed out that

In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on the key rectification issues. First, it will strengthen administrative guidance, continue to hold administrative guidance meetings and other ways to urge enterprises to implement rectification. The second is to strengthen supervision and inspection, incorporate the problems collected from various clue channels into the standing book, and as the focus of supervision and inspection, ensure that the problems can be rectified in place through on-site inspection, dial test verification, technical testing and other ways. The third is to strengthen the handling according to law. For enterprises with incomplete rectification, we will take measures according to law and regulations, rectify a number of typical violations, investigate and deal with a number of typical violations, and promote the formation of a good environment for Internet development that is open, standardized, orderly, and secure.

Netizen: looking forward to the results of rectification


Finally, I don't need to copy those

"A mess of passwords"

Looking forward to the results of rectification

But some netizens expressed concern

Some netizens think that

Once external links are opened

Internet fraud, help bargaining and other issues

Will follow

For this problem

Some netizens suggest setting permissions for users

Some netizens said

Do not allow external links to steal privacy

It's a personal bottom line

Little buddy, what do you think?

The above information is collected and sorted by Miyun Information Port. Please indicate the source for reprinting!





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