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2021 Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing

On the morning of August 2, the 2021 Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Forum was held in the Haidian branch of the Global Digital Economy Conference. The forum was hosted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology and the Haidian District People's Government of Beijing, and hosted by the Beijing Software and Information Service Industry Association. With the theme of "cultivating new drivers of the digital economy", it brought together the wisdom of government departments, domestic and foreign experts and scholars, digital economy benchmark enterprises and other parties to discuss the new cognition, new formats and new ecology of industrial Internet development.


At the forum, the Beijing Software and Information Service Association released the Beijing Plan for Industrial Internet. The chairman of Beijing Soft Association and the chairman of Guanglianda introduced that the industrial Internet provides strategic opportunities for the leapfrog development of Beijing's digital economy. "Beijing has great advantages in developing industrial Internet. On the one hand, it has a good base of headquarters economy, concentrated universities and research institutes, and outstanding scientific research strength. On the other hand, it leads the country in software and information service industry, and has the opportunity to form a leading platform enterprise."

The Industrial Internet Beijing Plan proposes to build Beijing into a global digital economy benchmark city, create the source of transformation and development of traditional industries in Beijing, and create a new digital economy highland with industrial Internet as the core. By 2030, cultivate trillion level industrial clusters, create more than five national industry pilot demonstration benchmarks, one trillion level and more than five hundred billion level enterprises with market value, form a headquarters economy, and drive the agglomeration of ecological enterprises.





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