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China Internet Conference focuses on the topic of Internet of Vehicles Digital technology drives the innovative development of the transportation industry

The Intelligent Networking Sub forum of 2021 China Internet Conference was held in Beijing today, which discussed the landing application and exploration breakthrough of intelligent networking.

The Internet of Vehicles industry is a new industrial form with deep integration of automotive electronic information communication, road transportation and other industries. With the commercial use of 5G technology, the Internet of Vehicles industry has developed rapidly, industry applications have accelerated penetration, and the trend of intelligence and networking is significant, becoming an important part of the development of the digital economy.

Fan Shujian, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that at present, China has built a national intelligent connected vehicle innovation center and four pilot areas of the national level Internet of Vehicles. More than 10 provinces and cities across the country have issued work arrangements related to the Internet of Vehicles, and more than 20 cities and several high-speed roads have carried out the transformation and upgrading of the Internet of Vehicles.

Fan Shujian said that through the enabling of digital technology, the transformation and upgrading of the digitalization of transportation and other industries has gradually formed a new mode and new business form of industrial digitalization, which effectively serves the traffic safety and efficiency improvement of urban roads and highways, and supports the improvement of the digital governance system. At the same time, the development of the Internet of Vehicles industry will effectively support the deep integration of the digital economy and the social governance of the real economy, and help promote the upgrading of industrial technology and the modernization of the industrial chain.

With the increase of social car ownership, energy, environment, traffic safety and other issues become prominent. In this regard, Huang Qingqing, vice president of the Internet Association, said that the intelligent connected vehicle is an integrated solution for the mutual promotion of automatic driving technology and Internet communication technology to jointly solve the problem of transportation and travel, and it is the market most likely to become the application of new technologies in the world at present. Huang Qingqing believes that many domestic Internet enterprises and automobile manufacturers have invested in the ICV industry, and the supporting equipment and industrial chain are also gradually improving. The development wave of China's ICV is coming.


The development of intelligent networking requires breakthroughs in key technologies and improvement of corresponding standards and regulations

ICN is a huge industrial chain, including ICN vehicles, vehicle road collaboration, supporting infrastructure construction and complete ecological chain supporting corresponding laws and standards.

With the continuous integration of digital technology, the industrial efficiency is gradually emerging. For several key technical fields of intelligent connected vehicles, such as automatic driving, fusion awareness, 5G edge computing, CVX, etc., Tencent and other Internet technology enterprises are increasing their investment, and have deeply participated in the construction of the industry in several dimensions such as technology application, standard construction, and ecological collaboration. Zhong Xiangping, vice chairman of the Internet of Vehicles Working Committee of the China Internet Association and vice president of Tencent, said that Tencent also actively participated in the work of the Internet of Vehicles Working Committee, and also hoped to open up and cooperate with all parties in the industry, accelerate technological innovation and application, promote the construction of industry standards for safety systems, and promote high-speed and high-quality development of the industry.

Focusing on the safe landing of intelligent connected vehicles and automatic driving, the industry is actively promoting the construction of corresponding traffic laws and regulations. Wang Changjun, director of the Road Traffic Safety Center of the Ministry of Public Security, introduced that, in view of some limitations encountered in specific road testing and closed site testing, simulation testing is an important response method to digitize traffic regulations and accelerate the efficiency and process of testing and verification of laws and regulations through virtual simulation technology.

At the same time, the core technology of intelligent networking needs to be independent and controllable. The National Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Center has invested in this field, aiming to form a Chinese scheme of cloud control platform, which conforms to Chinese infrastructure standards, Chinese networking operation standards, and Chinese automobile architecture system. Xin Keduo, deputy director of the National Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Center, said that the cloud control system is the core of China's plan for the development of intelligent connected vehicles. The cloud control platform will be a strategic infrastructure. He hoped that the industry would be open and collaborative, build and share, form a full chain of connectivity, and build a new infrastructure for intelligent connected vehicles.

The development of intelligent networking will have a profound impact on the automobile and transportation industries. At the same time, intelligent networking is also a long-term systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of all parties to continue to cultivate with independent and controllable technical force. The national and local governments at all levels are actively investing, and also encouraging cross field and cross industry integration and collaboration.





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