What conditions need to be met for the registration copyright of dry goods sharing- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What conditions need to be met for the registration copyright of dry goods sharing?

Publishing website: Release date: January 13, 2023 16:30:34

Registration of copyright requires these conditions and materials

First, works registered with copyright need to meet the following requirements:

(1) Originality means that the work must be created by the author through independent conception and creation. Only works with originality are protected by the Copyright Law.

(2) Reproducibility means that one or more copies of a work can be made by printing, copying, copying, rubbing, recording, video recording, duplicating, and backshooting, but no matter how many copies are used, the content and idea of the work will not be changed.

(3) Legitimacy, works should be allowed by the law to show the objective form. Citizens engaged in the creation of literary, artistic and scientific works shall conform to the provisions of the law and shall not violate the public interest.

Secondly, the materials to be submitted for general works copyright registration are as follows:

(1) Application Form. The content includes: the name of the work, the category of the work, the signature, the date of completion, whether to publish, the date and place of the first release. The form of completion of the work (alone, cooperation, commission, duty, others). Information about the author and other copyright owners.

(2) The applicant's identity certificate (the individual applicant shall provide a copy of his/her ID card, the unit applicant shall provide a copy of his/her business license, and the creator shall provide a copy of his/her ID card).

(4) Samples of works shall be provided (for written works, the manuscript shall be provided; for artistic and photographic works, two photos of lOcm × 12cm shall be provided; for engineering product design drawings, three views, renderings or physical photos shall be provided; for film and television works, VCD shall be provided).

(4) Description of creative works.

(6) According to the actual situation, choose to submit the cooperation work with the power of attorney of the co authors, the commissioned work with the commission contract or the exclusive right license contract.

Copyright registration
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