Analysis of dry goods sharing what works need to be registered- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Analysis of dry goods sharing what works need to be registered?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 11, 2023 16:08:02

What materials are needed for copyright registration

1、 Which works need copyright registration?

The works that can be registered in China include:

1. Copyright registration of works: provide written works, oral works, music, drama, quyi, dance, acrobatic works of art, fine arts, architectural works, photographic works, film works and works created by similar methods of film production, engineering design drawings, product design drawings, maps, sketches and other graphic works and model works, laws Registration of copyright of other works as prescribed by administrative regulations.

2 Software copyright registration: independently developed software, or software with significant improvement in function or performance after modification of the original software with the permission of the original copyright owner.

2、 What supporting materials should be provided for copyright registration?

To apply for copyright registration, it is necessary to submit relevant supporting materials to the National Copyright Protection Center. The specific materials required include:

1. Fill in an application for work registration, a work registration form, and a guarantee of rights, and submit an original and a copy of the work, and a work description (indicating the creative idea, main features and contents of the work, etc.);

2. If an individual author applies for registration, he shall also submit a copy of his ID card;

3. If a commissioned work is applied for registration, the copyright owner shall also submit a copy of the ID card of the copyright owner and the creator (if the copyright owner or creator is a unit, a copy of the business license or legal person code card, and a copy of the ID card of the legal representative shall be submitted), an original and a copy of the commissioned creation contract or agreement;

4. In case of application for registration of art works or photographic works, the applicant shall submit two photos of the works in addition to the relevant materials according to the above circumstances, one of which shall be posted in the blank space at the bottom left of the "Application for Registration of Works" and stamped with a seal on the perforation, and the other shall be submitted with the materials.

Copyright registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
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It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law