What are the search methods for art copyright? What is the art copyright inquiry process- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the search methods for art copyright? What is the art copyright inquiry process?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 6, 2023 14:50:15

Inquiry method and process of art copyright

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law and the Trial Measures for Voluntary Registration of Works of the National Copyright Administration, all authors, other citizens, legal persons or entities without legal personality who enjoy copyright, and owners and agents of exclusive rights can apply for the registration of works.

What is the way to query art copyright?

1. Copyright Office inquiry. First of all, we need to see where the registration certificate is issued. If it is issued in the China Copyright Protection Center, we can directly inquire on the center's website. If we are registered in a local place, we will publish it on the center's website from this year and last year, But it is a pity that there is no query function, so we can only search page by page.

2. Ask the court. Generally, a specific content of an art work can only be seen by the copyright owner, which is also a shortcoming of our current national copyright registration system. However, if we want to inquire about the ownership of other people's art copyright, we can apply to our court for inquiry, and then we can see a sample of this work.

3. Check with the agency. At present, there are also some institutions that can help us to inquire about the copyright of art works, but generally they need to pay. If we want to find an agency to help us query the art copyright of the art copyright, we only need to provide the name of the software copyright owner or any information in the registration number. Generally, we can query online on the same day and then inform our query results.

The process is as follows:

1. Query whether the work meets the registration conditions

2. The customer places an order and submits materials to the copyright consultant

3. The copyright consultant collates and supplements materials, fills in the application form for copyright registration of art works, and submits it to the Copyright Center

4. The Copyright Office reviews the materials, and the copyright consultant timely supplements and corrects the materials

5. After passing the review, the Copyright Registration Certificate will be issued

6. The copyright consultant is responsible for the whole process, which takes about 20-25 working days

Copyright registration
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It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law