What are the benefits of copyright law? What are the contents of copyright law- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the benefits of copyright law? What are the contents of copyright law?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 6, 2023 14:43:55
Content and function of copyright law

1、 What is copyright law

The Copyright Law is the general term of the legal norms that recognize the rights of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and stipulate the rights and obligations arising from the creation, dissemination and use of works. Authors have the right to control and deal with their own works, and to share the economic benefits arising from the use of works. It is a modern copyright concept formed during the 18th century European bourgeois revolution

2、 Content of copyright law

1. The subject of copyright is the individual and legal person who can enjoy the copyright;

2. The object of copyright, that is, the works that can give copyright;

3. The content of copyright, that is, the author's right to his work;

4. Ownership of copyright, that is, to which legal person or individual the copyright belongs;

5. The term of copyright protection, which is not limited to one term, will change with the different objects;

6. Inheritance of copyright;

7. Transfer or application license of copyright;

8. Copyright restrictions;

9. Infringement of copyright and its punishment;

10. Copyright management (or registration) agency.

3、 Role of copyright law

1. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of copyright subjects, it is helpful for copyright disputes arising from problems, and provides a basis for dealing with copyright disputes.

2. After applying for copyright protection, it means that the ownership belongs to the copyright subject.

3. It has the priority of registered trademarks within the scope of all products and services, and can avoid infringement by others, mainly to avoid malicious copyright grabbing by others.

4. It is conducive to the licensing and transfer of works to reflect the economic value of works.

5. Software copyright is a necessary condition for the company to apply for dual software certification and a condition for the company to apply for high-tech enterprises.

Copyright registration
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