Payment of annual patent fee, fee and time of annual patent fee - Chanyu trademark
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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Payment of annual patent fee
How to remedy the failure of patent application due to unpaid annual fee
If the annual fee is not paid and the patent is facing invalidation, how to remedy it? According to Article 96 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law, if the patentee fails to pay the annual fee on schedule or the annual fee is not paid enough, the State Intellectual Property Office [View details]
How to pay the annual patent fee? What are the payment methods of annual patent fees
After the patent owner applies to the Patent Office for a patent, he or she will be protected by the law. At the same time, the patentee must pay an annual patent fee in accordance with the law every year. How to pay the annual patent fee [View details]
How to pay patent examination fees to speed up patent applications?
We all know that patent application takes a long time, which is unfavorable for enterprises and individuals. Therefore, the state regulations can speed up patent application under certain conditions. that [View details]
How long is the valid period of the trademark stipulated by Shenzhen Trademark Registration Bureau?
In modern commerce, a good trademark is crucial for enterprises. Generally speaking, the more people know a trademark, the greater its commercial value will be. So here in Shenzhen [View details]
Patent knowledge answers patent annual fee payment period and related questions
The annual patent fee shall be paid in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Patent Law, because the time limit for paying the annual patent fee is specifically determined in the Patent Law. So today [View details]
Do you know the reason why the patent application cannot be permanently protected
We know that patents in China are divided into invention patents, design patents and utility model patents. According to the relevant provisions of China's Patent Law, patent protection has a certain number of years, including the protection of invention patents [View details]
What are the reasons for paying the annual patent fee and the methods for paying the annual patent fee
As we all know, if you want to protect your invention, you must apply for a patent in time. Is it possible that the invention and creation can be permanently protected after being granted a patent? Answer: Of course [View details]
Five minutes to let you master patent payment operation
Last week, a friend asked about patent fees and payment, so let's go to science popularization today, and you can also log in the official website of the State Intellectual Property Office. 1、 Type, amount and [View details]

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