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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
international monopoly
What are the types of patent protection in Russia? How to apply for Russian patents?
How to apply for Russian patents? 1、 Overview of Russian patent applications 1 Types of Russian patent protection: the Russian patent receiver is the Russian Federal Intellectual Property Office, and Russian patents are divided into three types, [View details]
What are the types of Indian patents? What is the review procedure of design?
Details of Indian patent application process I. What types of Indian patents are there? Unlike China, India has only two types of patents, invention patents and design patents. The protection period of the invention patent is 2 from the date of application [View details]
What are the situations of invalidation and revocation of EU trademarks?
What are the invalid and revoked EU trademarks [View details]
What are the data required for Japanese trademark registration?
The information needed to understand the process of Japanese trademark registration is as follows: 1. The name, address and nationality of the applicant; 2 Chinese or foreign name of the trademark; 3. 20 clear trademark drawings (2 * 28 * 8); [View details]
How to register Korean trademark? What is the formal examination of Korean trademarks?
How to register a Korean trademark 1. Submit a Korean trademark registration application Although the Korean trademark law adopts a registration system, the Korean trademark applicant must have the intention to actually use the trademark in Korea. [View details]
What are the materials to be prepared for Japanese patent applications?
Materials required for Japanese patent application Materials required for Japanese patent application: 1. Patent for invention ① The application should indicate the name and address of the inventor and the applicant (if the applicant is a legal person, it should also include [View details]
What is the process of submitting a request for practical examination of a European invention patent for a patent application?
Practical examination procedure of European invention patent application. First of all, we all know the severity of infringement, and we should also understand how important it is to protect the patent rights of our products, especially [View details]
What are the purposes and advantages of PCT patent application?
The purpose and advantages of PCT patent application Before the establishment of the PCT system, if you want to apply for invention patents in multiple countries, you can only submit a separate patent application to each target country through the Paris Convention [View details]

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