What is the meaning of Madrid International Trademark Registration Cancellation- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What is the meaning of Madrid International Trademark Registration Cancellation?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 22, 2023 16:01:18
The cancellation of Madrid trademark international registration means that the applicant cancels all or part of the goods or services in all contracting parties. According to Article 37 of the Trademark Implementation Regulations, the cancellation of the Madrid trademark international registration means that the applicant cancels all or part of the goods or services in all contracting parties

1、 When applying for the cancellation of Madrid trademark international registration, the applicant shall submit the following application documents:

1. Application documents (foreign language application form (MM8 form))

If the application for the international cancellation of Madrid trademark is filed in paper form, the application for the cancellation of Madrid trademark international registration, the MM8 form of the foreign language application, and the power of attorney for the international registration of Madrid trademark, which specifies the agency content and authority, shall be submitted.

For the electronic application submitted through the trademark online service system, if the Chinese and foreign language information is correctly filled in, it is deemed that the Madrid International Trademark Registration Cancellation Application and the Foreign Language Application Form MM8 have been submitted, and the above other materials are uploaded in the form of attachments.

2. Applicant qualification

The applicant must be the Madrid international registered trademark registrant with the State Intellectual Property Office as the original office.

3. Contents and requirements

In addition to meeting the general requirements of formal examination, the application documents shall also meet the following requirements:

All cancellation applications can involve multiple international registration numbers, and the name and address of the registrant of each international registered trademark must be identical; Partial cancellation application can only involve a single international registration number.

The goods or services involved in the cancellation shall not exceed the original scope of goods and services of the internationally registered trademark.

4. The name of the registrant must be consistent with the international register.

2、 Copy of international registration certificate.

3、 Where an entrusted agent applies for handling the application, the power of attorney shall be attached.

The applicant can choose to cancel all goods or services or some goods or services, but should fill in the category and name of the goods or services to be cancelled.

All applications for cancellation can involve multiple international registration numbers, and the name and address of the registrant of each international registration must be identical; Partial cancellation application can only involve a single international registration number.

It is worth noting that Madrid trademark international registration cancellation application is free of charge, and the applicant does not need to pay any fees after submitting the cancellation application documents.

Where an application for cancellation is transmitted to the International Bureau through the Trademark Office, the Trademark Office shall examine the application documents and transmit them to the International Bureau after passing the examination. After receiving the application for cancellation, the International Bureau will examine it and confirm that it meets the requirements, delete the goods or services designated for cancellation from the international register and make an announcement.

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