How to apply for trademark registration certificate? Application conditions for trademark registration certificate - snakehead trademark
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How to apply for trademark registration certificate? Application conditions for trademark registration certificate

Publishing website: Release date: February 22, 2023 14:02:15

We must be familiar with the trademark registration certificate, but do you know what the trademark registration certificate is? Today I will talk with you about what is a trademark registration certificate.

1、 What is the trademark registration certificate

The trademark registration certificate is a written certificate issued for the convenience of the trademark registrant, and has the same legal effect as the Trademark Registration Certificate. The applicant who applies for trademark registration certificate must be the owner of the registered trademark.

2、 Use of trademark registration certificate

When the trademark holder handles some business, the relevant department requires the trademark holder to issue a trademark registration certificate or a trademark registration certificate. If the trademark holder cannot issue a trademark registration certificate, he can apply to the Trademark Office for a trademark registration certificate.

3、 How to apply for trademark registration certificate

1. Application conditions

Where a trademark registrant applies for a trademark registration certificate, the trademark registrant shall submit relevant documents for handling. If the conditions are met, the Trademark Office shall issue a certificate affixed with the "Special Seal for Trademark Registration Certificate" on the printed copy of the trademark file.

2. Way of handling

(1) On site handling

Go directly to the Trademark Registration Hall of the Trademark Office; Or go directly to the Trademark Examination Cooperation Center set up by the Trademark Office outside Beijing.

(2) Mailing

Mail the application materials to the Trademark Office and mark on the envelope "Domestic registered trademark application issuing registration certificate business".

3. Materials to be submitted

The applicant shall provide the identification document of the trademark registrant and the trademark registration number. It includes:

(1) The identity documents of the trademark registrant include: a copy of the business license; Copy of the registration certificate of the public institution; Copy of ID card, etc. The above documents shall be stamped with official seal or signed by natural person.

(2) In case of any change in the trademark registrant, a copy of the change certification document shall be provided and affixed with the official seal.

(3) If the trademark is being transferred, the identity certificate of the trademark transferor or transferee shall be provided.

(4) Provide a list of trademark registration numbers.

(5) In case of mailing, the applicant shall provide the mailing address for receiving documents.

4. Check trademark documents

If the submitted materials meet the requirements, the applicant can directly handle them immediately. If it is handled by mail, the Trademark Office shall send the supporting documents to the correspondence address of the applicant for receiving the documents submitted by the applicant through the post office.

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