What are the main ways of trademark intellectual trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the main ways of trademark intellectual trademark registration?

Publishing website: Release date: February 15, 2023 16:28:31

With the continuous improvement of the national intellectual property system, more and more people have paid attention to intellectual property, but the terms of many intellectual property agencies are still unfamiliar

1、 Main differences:

1. The way of contact is different. In terms of the way of contact, if the application is handled directly at the Trademark Office, the applicant has direct contact with the Trademark Office in the process of handling; Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the applicant shall contact the Trademark Office through the trademark agency instead of directly contacting the Trademark Office.

2. The submission methods are different. In terms of documents submitted, if the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office for handling, in addition to other documents that should be submitted, the applicant should submit a copy of the ID card of the handler; Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant shall submit, in addition to other documents to be submitted, a power of attorney authorizing the trademark agency to handle trademark registration matters.

3. Documents are submitted in different ways. In terms of the way of document submission, if the applicant handles the application by himself, the applicant or the handler shall directly submit the application documents to the acceptance window of the Trademark Registration Hall; The agency can submit the application documents directly, by mail or through the express enterprise to the Trademark Office, or through the online application system to submit the trademark registration application.

2、 Registration method:

1. Babysitter registration: as the name implies, it is like a nanny to provide entrepreneurs with assistance in registering trademarks, from selecting trademark categories, to querying trademark names and analyzing the success rate of registration. That is what we often call one-stop service!

2. Guarantee registration: It is the most recommended registration method for many agencies. Generally speaking, the cost of guarantee registration is much higher than the market price. Why?? Many people have a misconception that, with more money spent, the guarantee registration should be able to register the trademark. It is not. The guarantee registration is that the agency shares the risk of non refunding after the trademark registration is rejected for the applicant, which is equivalent to what we often call the wager agreement. Here we must pay attention to the contents of the contract. (In fact, there is a flaw in the guarantee registration, that is, the trademark may be partially rejected, and there are only one or two irrelevant products or services at the time of final issuance of the certificate; this kind of defective trademark is meaningless to the applicant, so the applicant must pay attention to signing a contract with the agency to explain the necessary goods or services)

3. Self registration: With the development of science and technology, many services have become more convenient, and many platforms have launched self registration services. Now you can register your own trademarks on the online platform without leaving your home. The advantage of self-service registration is that you can save money and submit your own trademarks at any time. The disadvantage is that you need some professional knowledge.

The specific choice of the method depends on the needs of the trademark registrant. The main reason is that the time period of trademark registration application is too long, which is easy to cause many unnecessary troubles and errors.

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