What should be paid attention to when applying for trademark registration of dry goods sharing - snakehead trademark
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What should be paid attention to when applying for trademark registration of dry goods sharing

Publishing website: Release date: February 15, 2023 16:03:17
Precautions for quick examination of trademark registration

The acquisition of trademark rights needs to be applied in accordance with the prescribed procedures, which is different from the acquisition of copyright, and will not be automatically acquired from the time of trademark creation. Only after being registered and become a registered trademark can the trademark owner become the trademark owner and obtain more protection in trademark.

1、 Under what circumstances can a trademark registration request rapid review

The State Intellectual Property Office has formulated and issued the Measures for the Rapid Examination of Trademark Registration Applications (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the "Trial Measures"). According to the Trial Measures, trademark registration applications in any of the following circumstances can be requested for rapid examination:

1. It involves national or provincial major projects, major projects, major scientific and technological infrastructure, major events, major exhibitions and other names, and the trademark protection is urgent.

2. It is directly related to the response to public emergencies such as particularly serious natural disasters, particularly serious accident disasters, particularly serious public health events, and particularly serious social security events.

3. In order to serve high-quality economic and social development, it is really necessary to promote the implementation of the Outline of Building a Powerful Country with Intellectual Property Rights.

4. Other activities that have great practical significance for safeguarding national interests, social public interests or major regional development strategies.

2、 What should be paid attention to when applying for trademark registration

1. Don't blindly register online hot word trademarks

Registering trademarks with online hot words can get some attention and have certain dissemination, but the life cycle of online hot words is short and may not be consistent with the brand tone. In recent years, the Trademark Office has also been cracking down on the rush to register and hoard trademarks. Registration with hot words on the Internet is likely to be rejected. Registered trademarks should pay attention to the meaning and potential meaning of the trademark should not have adverse effects. Many online hot word trademarks are rejected because of adverse effects.

2. Trademark registration should be carried out as early as possible so as not to miss the opportunity

There are thousands of registered trademarks every day in China, and the trademark resources are limited. The earlier the trademark is registered, the higher the success rate will be. Moreover, many small companies are using their own trademarks, but have not yet applied for registration, which may be registered by others in advance. Once someone else has registered the trademark, if you want to use it again, you should pay for it.

3. Attach importance to the process of trademark inquiry

Before trademark application, trademark retrieval must be carried out, otherwise it is likely that a lot of early work will be wasted. The trademark retrieval should not only query the name of the trademark, but also check whether the color and element composition of the trademark are the same or similar. Some trademarks may not belong to the same category, but have similarities in functions, uses, etc., and may also be rejected. Through trademark search, if it is found that someone has registered the trademark and is still in the period of objection announcement, in this case, an objection can be raised to prevent the trademark from being hastily registered.

4. The trademark logo should be registered separately, and the word trademark is preferred

In order to effectively eliminate the registration risk and improve the approval rate, it is better to register the words, graphics, voice trademarks, etc. separately when applying for trademark registration, because for combined trademarks, if any part fails to meet the requirements during the examination, all trademarks will be rejected. Among all kinds of trademarks, written trademarks have the strongest identifiability and occupy the core position in the trademark system because they are easy to call and remember. Therefore, written trademarks should be registered first. On the basis of the applied word trademarks, we will enrich and improve the trademark system of enterprises by registering graphic trademarks and sound trademarks.

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