In the 45 categories of trademarks, which category does fresh belong to- Trademark of snakehead fish
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In the 45 categories of trademarks, which category does fresh belong to?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 10, 2023 16:16:22
What can be done after the fresh trademark transaction?

Fresh food refers to a kind of food that has not been processed or kept fresh. Because of its broad concept, fresh food actually involves many forms. For example, fruits, vegetables, meat and so on belong to the category of fresh, so will the choice of fresh trademarks be inspired by the current local information?

The category of the fresh trademark is still known through the query in the trademark encyclopedia. The category of the fresh trademark is 2901 meat, non live poultry, game, meat juice and 2902 non live aquatic products in category 29, and 3104 live animals, 3105 unprocessed fruits and dried fruits and 3106 fresh vegetables in category 31.

Because the trademark transfer transaction is also a way for two enterprises to exchange what they need. In the process of transfer, the rights of prohibition, use and license will change from the rights of the transferor to the rights of the transferee. In fact, what can be done after a trademark is transferred depends on the transferee, that is, the subsequent trademark owner.

For example, for trademark licensing, after the submitted trademark transfer application is approved, the transferee can get the trademark and use it in the market while being protected by law. In addition to these, the right of trademark licensing is transferred to the current trademark owner, who should consider whether to license the trademark to others according to the actual situation of his own enterprise.

The main reason for trademark licensing is that the enterprise can not take into account at the same time in different regions. At this time, the authorized person can carry out promotion tasks in different regions. On the one hand, it helps the authorized person to master the enterprise's products and drive the development of his own enterprise. On the other hand, the authorized person can also enjoy the advantages of trademark promotion and establish a mass base.

In the market, the development of enterprises is often limited by regions, so authorization is an effective way to let more people know about the goods or services of enterprises. After the transfer of natural trademarks, the transferee also has the ownership of trademarks. At this time, the exercise of other rights depends on the wishes of the trademark owner.

License filing
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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