Analysis of trademark registration can pet products be modified after trademark approval- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Analysis of trademark registration can pet products be modified after trademark approval?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 10, 2023 16:00:41

Can the trademark of pet products be modified after approval

The demand for pet products is getting higher and higher in our lives. Because of the economic development, people have started to keep pets to enrich their lives when they have no worries about food and clothing. Therefore, more and more people are looking for the products needed by pets. So what kind of pet product trademark should be selected?

We can get the desired result through the query in the trademark encyclopedia, that is, the category of pet product trademark is in the "1806 Animal Appliances" of category 18. Because there are many pet uses included in this category, the specific options depend on the type of pet users that the enterprise operates. Rationally, some pet appliances enterprises should have more involvement.

Generally, the trademark is approved. Is it feasible to modify the approved trademark if the enterprise needs to operate other projects later? From the answer to this question, it is free for enterprises to modify trademarks. However, if you want to use this trademark in the market, you should re register the modified trademark with the Trademark Office as a new trademark.

After the trademark is approved according to the procedure, it will be another trademark of the enterprise, because it can be used in the market naturally with legal protection. If the trademark is simply changed but not re registered, it is obvious that the use of this trademark will face a great crisis, and rush registration is one of them. So the trademark can't be changed?

In view of the above problems, the assumption of trademark modification is that the color was black and white when applying for registration before, and the color can still be changed later. Other things, such as size, also need to be scaled up or down, and other elements added or subtracted are even more impossible.

However, if you want to change the information of the trademark, you can go to the Trademark Office to change the trademark. If you need to change the name, address and other information of the trademark registration, you can still change it. After all, there is a way of trademark transfer in the market, and you must change the trademark owner. When enterprises change places, the address in the natural trademark information will change accordingly.

The approval of trademarks means that they are protected by law, which also means that many things are fixed in a certain sense. What to change should be analyzed according to the actual situation and specific problems before considering the results.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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