Do you want to register a trademark when opening a store? What is the necessity of opening a store and registering a trademark- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you want to register a trademark when opening a store? What is the necessity of opening a store and registering a trademark?

Publishing website: Release date: February 10, 2023 15:08:11
Registered trademark refers to the trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office. The trademark registrant shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark and shall be protected by law, while unregistered trademarks shall not be protected by law.

Let's first understand the role and importance of registered trademarks: it is convenient for consumers to distinguish the source of goods or services of different businesses. Only when a trademark is registered can it be protected by law, laying a foundation for later enterprises to build brands and seize more markets.

Trademarks are intangible assets, and their value will continue to rise after use. Trademark value can be realized by means of transfer, license, mortgage, etc. Trademark is a necessary condition for quality inspection, sanitary inspection and bar code.

For example, Xiaoming opened a shop called "Baoerle" to sell toys, but did not register the trademark of "Baoerle". Seeing Xiaoming's business doing well, Xiaohong also opened a "Baoerle" toy store in another street. Consumers can't tell which is the real "Baoerle", which will also affect the reputation of the whole "Baoerle".

Xiaoming wants to stop Xiaohong, but without registered trademark, it is difficult for Xiaoming to protect its rights. If Xiaoming has registered a trademark, Xiaohong's act constitutes trademark infringement, and Xiaoming can sue Xiaohong to stop the infringement and compensate for the corresponding economic losses.

The above examples often occur in real life. The famous Xicha, formerly known as "Huangcha", was forced to change its name due to the delay in trademark registration, and even spent 700000 yuan to buy the Xicha trademark.

In addition, unregistered trademarks may face the risk of infringement in addition to being infringed. At present, China has more than 30 million valid trademark registrations, with an average daily application of 25000. With such a huge amount of data, the trademark you use may have been registered by others, which may result in trademark infringement and punishment.

Registered trademarks are protected by law and are safer to use in commercial activities, which helps to occupy the market and establish a brand. Register a trademark as early as possible!

License filing
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law