What are the materials that need to be prepared to register American trademarks- Trademark of snakehead fish
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What are the materials that need to be prepared to register American trademarks?

Publishing website: Issued on: January 30, 2023 16:48:59
What is the process of registering US food and beverage trademarks?

Procedures for registering US trademarks:

1. Submit application

After receiving the application submitted by the applicant, the U.S. Trademark Office (PTO) will conduct the most basic formal examination, mainly checking whether the trademark submitted by the applicant meets the basic requirements for trademark registration. If the basic requirements are met, PTO will issue the application date and submit the registration application, and issue the notice of trademark acceptance. If the requirements are not met, PTO will refund all application materials and application fees together.

The materials required for application for registration are as follows:

A. Registered power of attorney, which must be signed and sealed;

B. If you apply in the name of an individual, you need to provide a copy of your ID card or passport;

C. When applying in the name of the company, a copy of the business license of the enterprise shall be provided;

D. Trademark pattern (required to be clear);

E. The category of goods or services to be registered.

2. Review phase

Four months after the PTO submits the application, it will conduct a substantive examination of the trademark that has passed the formal examination, and the examiner will decide whether to approve the registration of the trademark based on the examination results. The examination contents are: whether the trademark is similar or duplicate with the registered trademark, or the classification or description of the applied goods and services is not standard, if not, The examiner will send a notification letter to notify the reason for the rejection of the application for registration of the trademark. The applicant needs to make a reply within six months. The application for registration of the trademark after six months will be deemed invalid. If the reply made by the applicant is not valid, the examiner will send a final rejection. The applicant may also appeal to the Trademark Examination and Appeal Board.

3. Announcement objection stage

After the trademark is examined and confirmed to be approved for registration, it will enter the announcement stage for three months. If no one raises an objection within three months, it will be allowed to register. If anyone raises an objection, it needs to collect evidence for defense.

4. Registration and certification stage

The U.S. trademark registration application is based on the statement that the applicant will use the trademark in good faith in the future, and PTO will issue a notice 12 weeks later. The applicant can use the trademark within 6 months and must submit a statement of use, or apply for a six-month extension. This period may be extended only when specifically noted. When the declaration of use is submitted and approved, the PTO will issue a registration certificate.

5. Validity of trademark

The validity period is ten years. However, the applicant is required to provide an affidavit indicating the continued existence of the application within the fifth to sixth years.

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