Trademark registration: a brief introduction to the protection methods after trademark registration - Chanyu trademark
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Trademark registration: a brief introduction to the protection methods after trademark registration

Publishing website: Issued on: January 10, 2023 16:14:42

How to protect trademark after registration

1. Cross industry registration

Take the catering industry as an example. The catering industry involves many other industries, such as "Internet" and "transportation". Therefore, we can consider cross industry trademark registration, so that our trademarks can be legally protected in other related industries.

(1) Involved in the "Internet" industry

Now is the era of "Internet+", any industry may involve the Internet, so enterprises need to register trademarks in the Internet industry. For example, 9 types of computer software and programs, 35 types of company operations, advertising, chain stores, and 42 types of computer software related services.

(2) Involved in the "transportation" industry

The catering industry often involves the transportation of food raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. Therefore, when applying for trademark registration, enterprises should register trademarks across industries, such as 390048 - transportation, 390086 - commodity packaging, 390028 - cargo storage, 390043 - frozen food cabinet rental, 390020 - parcel delivery, etc.

2. Registration of ancillary product categories derived from the industry

In addition to the main categories, catering enterprises may not only provide food services in stores, but also involve packaged food, such as meat, condiments, beverages, fruits and vegetables. Not only this industry category needs to be protected, but also the industries of ancillary products need to be protected.

3. Register relevant similar trademarks for defensive use

After the main brand is registered, the enterprise needs to have some defensive trademarks as support. The defensive trademark, as its name implies, is used for defense. For example, in order to protect its own trademark, Big White Rabbit has registered dozens of similar trademarks such as Big Grey Rabbit, Big Black Rabbit, Little White Rabbit, Golden Rabbit and Silver Rabbit.

4. Full class registration

Some people believe that it is not necessary to apply for full registration when the trademark is still unknown. However, defense in advance is better than relief afterwards. At least it can prevent others from registering trademarks in the industries and commodities they may enter in the future. Full registration can be said to be a protective investment behavior, which can lay the foundation for the diversification and collectivization of enterprises.

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Trademark of snakehead fish
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