Do you have to pay for trademark registration every year? How much does trademark registration cost- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you have to pay for trademark registration every year? How much does trademark registration cost?

Publishing website: Release date: 2022-06-09 15:46:29

Trademarks, that is, brands, are relatively unfamiliar to ordinary business owners and consumers. Friends who have handled trademark registration should remember the application process vividly, which not only takes a long time to register but also is difficult to issue certificates. But once you get the certificate, will you have peace of mind? In fact, it is not. Customers often encounter cancellation, invalidation and other cases, so brand building can not be done overnight.

Since it is so troublesome, it is important to know more about trademarks. For example, do you have to pay for trademark registration that everyone cares about every year? How much does trademark registration cost per year? Answer: You don't need to pay every year after the successful trademark registration.

In fact, trademark registration seems to be troublesome and difficult, because a number of unscrupulous trademark agents have led the industry astray. The trademark that could not have been registered had to tell the customer that it could be registered for their own petty profit, and the user paid for the notice of rejection. If the trademark applicant chooses a responsible agent to register the trademark at the beginning, it can be as simple as two steps: paying and obtaining the certificate. The agency will do the rest for you.

When it comes to paying, everyone will ask: what is the money, how to pay it, and every year? Let's talk about it in detail. The fees for trademark registration are divided into the fees charged by the Trademark Office and the service fees charged by trademark agencies, of which the service fees are generally charged in a lump sum. I haven't heard that any company has to pay money every year; The fees charged by the Trademark Office are included in the contract signing fees. For example, if a company tells you that there are 2000 registered trademarks, then the fees generally do not need to be paid separately. But for safety reasons, you should ask whether the fees include the fees charged by the Trademark Office. Since it is the fee charged by the state, it must not be omitted, but this money is also charged at one time, instead of being paid every year.

The validity period of registering a trademark is 10 years. After this time, the trademark must be renewed. The professional term is "renewal", which means the same thing. That is to say, although you don't have to pay the fee every year, you need to pay the fee every 10 years.

License filing
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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