How to apply for patent fee reduction? Which fees can be applied for reduction- Trademark of snakehead fish
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How to apply for patent fee reduction? Which fees can be applied for reduction?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-21 14:50:52
After patent creation, there will be corresponding applications. The necessity of patent application is to make the patent subject to corresponding legal protection. Among them, patent application has cost reduction.

1、 The applicant may request a reduction of the patent fee when submitting the patent application, or request a reduction of the patent fee after the application date:

1. Where an applicant requests a reduction of patent fee when filing a patent application, he/she only needs to tick "Request for a reduction of patent fee and has completed the filing of fee reduction qualification" in the patent application request, and fill in the patent fee reduction filing certificate number.

2. If the applicant or patentee requests fee reduction after the application date, it is required to submit the Request for Fee Reduction (applicable to submission after the application date), and fill in the patent fee reduction filing certificate number.

2、 Which fees can be exempted

1. Patent application fee (excluding publishing and printing fees and application surcharge).

2. Substantive examination fee for patent application for invention.

3. Annual fee (annual fee within ten years from the year when the patent right is granted).

4. Review fee.

3、 Percentage of patent application fee reduction:

1. Where the applicant or the patentee is an individual, he/she may request to postpone the payment of 85% of the application fee, the examination fee and annual fee of the invention patent application, and 80% of the maintenance fee and reexamination fee of the invention patent application.

2. Where the applicant or patentee is a unit, it may request to postpone the payment of 70% of the application fee, the examination fee and annual fee of the invention patent application, and 60% of the maintenance fee and reexamination fee of the invention patent application.

3. Where two or more individuals or individuals and entities jointly apply for a patent, they may request a postponement of the payment of 70% of the application fee, the examination fee and annual fee of the patent application for invention, and 60% of the maintenance fee and reexamination fee of the patent application for invention.

4. Where two or more entities jointly apply for a patent, the patent fee shall not be reduced.

4、 The patent applicant or patentee requesting a reduction of the patent fee shall meet one of the following conditions:

1. Individuals with an average monthly income of less than 5000 yuan (60000 yuan per year) in the previous year.

2. Enterprises with taxable income less than 1 million yuan in the previous year.

3. Public institutions, social organizations, non-profit scientific research institutions.

4. Where two or more individuals or entities are joint patent applicants or joint patentees, they shall respectively comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

The above is the detailed content about how to apply for patent fee reduction and exemption, which I hope can help you.

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