Do you know what materials need to be submitted to apply for patent fee mitigation- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you know what materials need to be submitted to apply for patent fee mitigation?

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-21 14:24:10
The material to be submitted for application for patent fee mitigation is the mitigation request, which provides the certificate of economic difficulties issued by the patent administration department at or above the municipal level. The key is that in the patent fee mitigation application, if the parties must truthfully fill in their annual income status, the patent administration department will review the application after receiving it.

1、 Preparation of patent fee reduction filing materials

1. Filing of individual patent fee deduction

(1) Copy of ID card (if there is no ID card, please provide passport and other valid documents).

(2) The original of the income certificate issued by the unit where he/she works (if he/she does not have a permanent job, he/she shall submit the certificate issued by the county civil affairs department or the sub district office of the township people's government in the place where his/her household registration or habitual residence is located on his/her economic difficulties).

2. Filing of enterprise unit patent fee reduction

(1) Copies of business license and organization code certificate (if a copy of business license (copy) printed with organization code or unified social credit code is submitted, it is unnecessary to submit a copy of organization code certificate, and it needs to be stamped with the official seal).

(2) A copy of the annual tax return of the previous year's enterprise income tax (within the period of final settlement, a copy of the annual tax return of the previous year's enterprise income tax shall be submitted and affixed with the official seal).

3. Filing of patent fee reduction of public institutions

Photocopy of the certification documents of the legal person of the public institution.

2、 Patent fee less filing application qualification

1. Individuals with an average monthly income of less than 5000 yuan (60000 yuan per year) in the previous year.

2. Enterprises with taxable income less than 1 million yuan in the previous year.

3. Public institutions, social organizations, non-profit scientific research institutions.

Note: Where two or more individuals or entities are joint patent applicants or joint patentees, they shall respectively comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

3、 Amount or proportion of patent fee reduction after filing

1. Where the patent applicant or patentee is an individual or entity, 85% of the fees prescribed for the corresponding fee type shall be reduced.

2. Where two or more individuals or entities are joint patent applicants or joint patentees, 70% of the fees prescribed for the corresponding fee types shall be reduced.

Whether it is a unit application or an individual application, a complete set of materials such as a fee mitigation request should be submitted to the agency. The difference is that a unit application needs to submit a fee mitigation certificate, while an individual does not need to, just fill in the income of the previous year.

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