Introduction to the solution to patent rejection in patent application - snakehead trademark
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Introduction to the solution to patent rejection in patent application

Publishing website: Issued on: January 29, 2023 16:09:39

What is patent rejection? What should we do if the patent is rejected

1、 What is patent rejection?

It is not easy to apply for a patent. There are many factors to consider when applying for a patent. There are two important reasons for the failure. One is that the patent is not searched or the patent itself is duplicated with other patents; Another reason is that the patent rejection is due to poor patent writing, so the examination will also fail, resulting in what we call patent rejection.

Generally speaking, patent rejection is due to the fact that the novelty, creativity and practicality of the patent are not reflected in the process of patent examination; Therefore, the Patent Office did not let the patent pass. In addition to the knowledge of the Intellectual Property Office on patent related search, the patent was not passed, and there was also a corresponding patentee's initial objection to the patent, making the patent application not passed.

2、 What should we do if the patent is rejected?

Rejection of patent type is a problem that the patentee should take into consideration before applying for a patent. Therefore, corresponding patent filing is required in the process of patent application, which is called "no rain preparation". Therefore, once the patent is rejected, it is necessary to actively respond to the examination.

After the decision of rejection of the patent is issued, the notice that patent reexamination can be conducted is written on the decision of rejection. This is a relief opportunity to avoid wrong trial and grant relief after the patent application is rejected. Where the applicant or inventor considers that the patent can still be saved or that the examination is wrong, he may apply for reexamination of the rejection of the patent. Before applying for rejection for review, it is necessary to carefully study and compare according to the rejection decision. If necessary, it can apply for review. Therefore, if there is no special reason, or after analysis and comparison, it is considered that the review is not highly authorized, it is unnecessary to continue.

Some patentees are directly regarded as the failure of the application because they have not examined and replied despite the rejection of the patent. Therefore, they must actively respond to the corresponding replies of the Intellectual Property Office, or they will directly ignore the patentee, think that they agree with the reasons for the rejection, and have a special patent office review and reply to the proposal for the rejection of the patent, Let professional people help patentees get out of trouble.

In the process of patent application, some people often feel that their products or ideas are very good, but they were rejected after the Patent Office issued an examination opinion.

Patent applications need to provide patent technical texts that meet the legal requirements. On the one hand, they need to understand the law, and on the other hand, they also need relevant technical support. In the process of patent retrieval and comparison and improvement of existing technologies, previous preparations can determine the integrity of the patent.

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