Trademark registration, all information about trademark registration _ snakehead trademark
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Trademark registration, all information about trademark registration
Trademark of snakehead fish
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Trademark registration, all information about trademark registration
Weining has obtained 5 recognition of geographical indication protection products from the former AQSIQ
Recently, the author learned from the Agricultural Division Center of Weining Autonomous County that Weining has seven trademarks approved, namely Weining potato, Weining buckwheat cake, Weining tartary buckwheat, Weining sweet buckwheat, Weining ham, Weining apple and Weining white radish [View details]
Do you know how the trademark application and registration process is
Generally speaking, an enterprise or self-employed person will register a separate trademark for their products in order to make their products have unique marks, but many people do not know how to apply for trademark registration [View details]
Do you know some relevant knowledge about the theory of trademark dilution
Hello, everyone. Today, I will talk about popular science trademarks again. What I want to share today is some knowledge about trademark dilution theory. Before the dilution theory came into being, the confusion theory was [View details]
Do you know what is the standard for trademark classification
We know that trademarks are divided into 45 categories. The first 34 categories are products and 35-45 categories are services. What are the criteria for classifying these trademarks? Trademark registration International classification of goods and services( [View details]
How to choose whether to register or transfer food trademarks
There are a lot of food trademarks in China, because trademarks are brands. So if you want to enter the market for food, most of them need a brand. Now, when you go to the market, you will [View details]
Benefits of trademark transfer Do you know under which circumstances trademark transfer procedures need to be followed
Trademark registration From one year on, there is still a great probability of failure. The fastest way to get the right to use a trademark is to buy it and use it immediately, with a success rate of 10%. Buying a trademark here involves trademark transfer [View details]
The trademark is divided into R mark and TM mark. What are the two trademarks
As usual, more and more people want to settle in Tmall. However, when looking at the settlement process, there is a trademark on the flow chart. Everyone knows that the trademark is unique to a business. I believe everyone is more or less [View details]
When using the trademarks R, C and TM, be careful not to use them incorrectly
Abstract: When you buy goods, you will find that many commodity packages are printed with logos, and there will be a sign above the logo, sometimes R with a circle, sometimes C with a circle, or [View details]
Do you know the current ways to register the r trademark
How to register r trademark? There are many ways to register r trademark. You can either apply for registration by yourself (online application or trademark acceptance window) or entrust a professional trademark agency to apply. According to the Trademark Office [View details]
Necessity and precautions of domestic trademark retrieval
Trademark registration Why should we do trademark search before? With the sound development of China's economy and the continuous popularization of the concept of intellectual property, finally, in 2017, China Trademark registration Exceed the 5 million mark! However, relative to 5 [View details]
Guangzhou Trademark registration Do you know what the query method is
Nowadays, the protection of common sense property rights is more and more recognized, so the battle for trademarks is happening every day. If you want to protect the legitimate rights and interests of your own trademarks, you must go to the formal places to register trademarks, or purchase trademarks to transfer [View details]
Those stunned operations on the way of trademark application make people laugh and cry
On the way of trademark application, everyone's brain turmoil never stopped. I expressed surprise with all kinds of wild names. I can understand that all kinds of hot words on the Internet have been snapped up. I also understand that, after all, there are certain [View details]
Dongguan trademark acceptance window was commended for "outstanding achievements in trademark acceptance"
Recently, Dongguan Trademark Acceptance Window was commended for its outstanding performance in trademark acceptance, and it is the only municipal trademark acceptance window in Guangdong Province that was commended by the State Intellectual Property Office this year. July 12 [View details]
Do you know what should be paid attention to when licensing trademarks to others
Trademark is an indispensable symbol of enterprises, which is very important for the development of enterprises. Our common ways to obtain trademark use rights are Trademark registration And trademark transfer. In fact, there is another way: [View details]
What is trademark rejection? What is the reason for this
Many trademark applicants are submitting Trademark registration After the application, I received the notice of rejection issued by the Trademark Office. What is a trademark rejection? What causes this? Now let's go [View details]
Do you know what the trademark inquiry and registration fees are
Trademark inquiry and registration fee? Now? Trademark registration There are many ways to handle it, both offline and online. Generally, there is no charge for trademark inquiry. Check the website of the Trademark Office or trademark agency [View details]
Food industry Trademark registration Type and separately introduce
Yes Trademark registration The bosses of Trademark registration What must be done before is trademark inquiry. Before trademark inquiry, we must know the industry the customer is engaged in to find the corresponding classification [View details]
You know Trademark registration Name verification query system operation and precautions
Before submitting the registration application to the Trademark Office, the first thing the applicant should do is to inquire about the same or similar trademark names that have been applied for earlier. In case of the same or similar situation, the Trademark Office will reject the application [View details]
You know International Trademark registration Common registration methods
international Trademark registration Common registration methods: first, single country Trademark registration The second is the international registration of Madrid trademark, and the third is the EU Trademark registration Fourth, the African Intellectual Property Organization Trademark registration 1、 Single [View details]
Brief description of the trademark transfer process Time when the Trademark Office issued the trademark transfer certificate
With the development of economy, intellectual property has risen to be an intangible asset with great value. As a part of intangible assets, trademarks have received more and more attention [View details]
What are the differences between trademark cancellation and trademark cancellation? What are the precautions related to trademarks
It is believed that many people think that the cancellation of a trademark means the cancellation of a trademark, because it is also the abandonment of an unwanted trademark, and they do not know why it is cancelled or cancelled. However, there are some differences between the two essences, [View details]
Trademark transaction is a way to obtain trademarks, but some details cannot be ignored
As a way of obtaining trademarks, trademark trading has different ideas about the two subjects in this process, the transferor and the transferee. Even if the process of transfer is compared with that of registration [View details]
Things that must be known by the trademark change registrant
Abstract: The trademark renewal is only carried out once every ten years, but in this decade, the enterprise certainly cannot avoid changing its name or address, so the trademark change may be carried out more frequently. But many registrations [View details]
What materials need to be prepared for trademark license filing
In economic life, trademark licensing involves many procedural issues, of which the registration of trademark use license is a key point. What materials should we prepare when we want to record trademark licensing? below [View details]
Issue the List to include 72 licensing (filing) items into the list management of "making up and informing commitments after tolerating defects"
Recently, the State Council issued the Notice on Deepening the Reform of the Separation of Certificates and Licenses and Further Stimulating the Development Vitality of Market Entities, which requires that the reform of the separation of certificates and licenses be carried out nationwide from July 1, and [View details]
Why is Wuxi trademark renewal rejected? What are the conditions for trademark renewal
What is the reason for the rejection of Wuxi trademark renewal? The meaning of trademark rejection should be familiar to everyone. It has been mentioned many times in the article. It mainly means that the trademark applied for registration has violated the trademark after being reviewed by the Trademark Office [View details]
Do you know how much it costs to transfer 25 categories of clothing trademarks
When it comes to the transfer of popular trademarks, it belongs to the transfer of 25 categories of clothing trademarks and 3 categories of cosmetics trademarks. In addition to these two categories, other popular trademarks will change with time and other factors. Then trademark transfer 25 category package [View details]
Tiger claw ginger has passed the national geographical indication certification Trademark registration Drive the people in the mountainous areas of the county to increase their income and become rich and go to a well-off society
A few days ago, Shuangpai Tiger Claw Ginger in Shangwujiang Yao Township, Shuangpai County, Yongzhou City successfully passed the geographical indication certification of the State Intellectual Property Office Trademark registration By applying for the geographical indication certification trademark, the natural and humanistic [View details]
At the end of 2019, the graphic logo of "China Organic Valley" was successfully registered as a collective trademark.
China Organic Valley Graphic Logo Collective Trademark registration success. China's organic valley covers more than 10000 square kilometers. It takes Nanzhang County of Xiangyang City as the core area and Baokang, Gucheng and Laohekou as the radiation area [View details]
Do you know the suggestions on the registration application of the collective trademark certification trademark of geographical indications
Collective trademark and certification trademark are one of the basic types of trademarks stipulated in the Trademark Law. Compared with ordinary trademarks, collective trademarks and certification trademarks have particularities, such as different applicants and users, [View details]
What are the differences between collective trademark and certification trademark
Do you know what are collective trademarks and certification trademarks? What are these two types of trademarks? What are the differences between the two? 1、 Definition of both trademarks Collective trademark: refers to an organization, group or association [View details]
Trademark registration What kind of emergency is it? Can it be expedited
It is understandable that brands or companies apply for trademarks for themselves to maintain their own brand ideas. but Trademark registration It takes time, and many people Trademark registration I thought it was too long, and I hoped [View details]
Urgent Trademark registration Is it feasible? What are the benefits of trademark registration
A brand or a company applies for a trademark for itself, and building its own brand is a necessary prerequisite for enterprise development. however Trademark registration It takes time. Many people think that Trademark registration The specific time is too long [View details]
Ningbo Trademark Acceptance Window has accepted commendation accumulatively Trademark registration 10557 applications
The Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office recently held the National Working Conference on Local Trademark Acceptance Windows, and commended 38 trademark acceptance windows with outstanding performance among the 275 trademark acceptance windows nationwide [View details]
Trademark registration And trademark transfer
Trademark registration It is the prerequisite and condition for the trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use the trademark, and only the approved and registered trademark can be protected by law. Trademark registration The principle is the basic criterion for determining the exclusive right to use trademarks. Different notes [View details]
Take you to understand Trademark registration Process and expenses
1. Trademark query Trademark query is simply to query whether the trademark you want to apply for has been registered, or whether the trademark you want to register is very similar to others. In both cases, the trademark application is [View details]
China will continue to strengthen examination and supervision and crack down on malicious trademark registration and abnormal patent applications
The reporter learned from the regular briefing of the State Council on policies held on the 8th that the Notice on Deepening the Reform of Regulation and Service in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights and Optimizing the Innovation Environment and Business Environment will be issued recently. Notification [View details]
The first half of Aba Prefecture Trademark registration The cumulative volume reached 9707, with a year-on-year growth of 18.29%
Since this year, Aba Prefecture has adhered to both planning and layout, vigorously implemented the strategy of brand rejuvenation and brand strengthening, deepened the reform of intellectual property rights regulation and service, coordinated and promoted the integrated development of trademark and economy, and helped to upgrade the industry [View details]
Four hazards you don't know about when the trademark is not registered
Your Trademark registration Did you? If not, there may be the following four major hazards that you should pay attention to. 1. The user does not have the exclusive right to use the trademark. The trademark you use can also be used by others [View details]
Seven tips to crack online trademark infringement
With the rapid development of the Internet industry, people are paying more and more attention to intellectual property rights. The Internet is an illusory game, so we need to pay more attention to the protection of network intellectual property rights [View details]
I don't know how to deal with trademark infringement
From preparing various materials, going through numerous screening, to successfully passing the review and preliminary review notice, one trademark can be registered, which is tantamount to a small life [View details]
Advertisements can also be registered trademarks Do you understand
The first part of the Trademark Examination Standards points out that: "non original phrases or sentences that express the characteristics of goods or services, such as&39; once they have nothing else to ask for, they should be deemed as" lacking distinctive features ", belonging to [View details]
Trademark registration Several problems often encountered
1、 How to evaluate whether it is necessary to review a trademark after it is rejected? According to different reasons for rejection, consider 1) if the previous similar trademark is rejected, consider the following factors: whether the enterprise quoting the trademark owner [View details]
How to prevent trademark from being revoked
When you Trademark registration After success, what are the precautions in daily business activities, and how to provide correct evidence of trademark use when faced with trademark revocation (referred to as revocation 3). Legal basis: [View details]
U.S.A Trademark registration Do you know the seven suggestions for lightning protection
(1) Foreword The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently released the Order issued by the Trademark Commission for Trademarks on its official website. Responsible for trademark review [View details]
Trademark registration Why we should teach you several skills in multi category protection
In such an era, owning intellectual property rights is equivalent to having a sword. If you use it well, you can naturally survive and develop in the market and occupy your own place. A good brand name, meaning [View details]
Tips on trademark maintenance
Why do some enterprise trademarks have been registered in advance, and there will still be disputes? Why is my registered trademark suddenly invalid? Why is the defendant still infringing the trademark that the enterprise has successfully registered before? Trademark from [View details]
Trademark registration Methods teach you several skills
lately Trademark registration It is extremely popular. We all know that good trademarks can not be found. Once there are hot words, companies will immediately rush to register trademarks. Station B registered the trademark, and the mouse tail juice was registered, Zhou [View details]
Do you know what conditions and skills a good trademark should have
A good trademark should have at least the following five conditions: 1. Markedness. The trademark shall be simple and marked, and shall be significantly different from the registered trademark of others, so that people can understand it at a glance, [View details]
Trademark registration How many years is the post protection period? Do you know
After the preliminary examination of a trademark has been passed, if the prior obligee or interested party believes that the trademark has violated the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, he or she may, within three months from the date of publication, file a complaint with the Trademark Office [View details]
Trademark registration What conditions do you need to meet to apply? Teach you some skills
1. Only individuals or groups with the following conditions can propose in China Trademark registration apply: Trademark registration The applicant must be a legally established enterprise. government-affiliated institutions. Social groups. Self-employed industrialist [View details]
enterprise Trademark registration The details of application procedures will be shared with you
handle Trademark registration The following documents shall be submitted for application: £¨《 Trademark registration Application 1 each Trademark registration The application shall be submitted to the Trademark Office《 Trademark registration One application form. 2 《 Trademark registration [View details]
Trademark registration What are the prerequisites for
first Trademark registration The applicant must be a legally established enterprise, public institution, social organization, or individual business. Individual partnership or agreement signed by China or China's participation in international treaties or reciprocity [View details]
Trademark registration What materials need to be prepared to teach you some skills
If you are applying in the name of an individual, you need to show your ID card, a copy of your business license of self-employed business. If you apply for registration by taking the enterprise as the dao, you need to show the "Business [View details]
Full category Trademark registration To teach you some skills
1. We can build our own brand with confidence, boldly implement the branding strategy, and carry out diversified and cross industry development. 2. Applying for full registration also creates conditions for later recognition of well-known trademarks (trademark registration category [View details]
Enterprise application Trademark registration What are the methods to fully share with you
The State Trademark Office will charge 300 yuan for the trademarks registered by individuals. In addition, if you register as an agent, in addition to the trademark office charging a certain amount of service fees, you should carefully re select [View details]
Trademark registration What are the prerequisites to teach you some skills
Trademark registration It is an official statement. The market statement calls brand protection and registration four elements: trademark name, trademark pattern, applicant information, trademark category, trademark name, trademark name in Chinese, English, and graphics, [View details]
Trademark registration How to get a card? Teach you some skills
1. If it is handled directly through the receiving channel, the party concerned must go to Trademark registration Collect in the lobby Trademark registration Certificate. If an agency is entrusted, the Trademark Office will Trademark registration The certificate is issued to the agency, and the party concerned gets it from the agency [View details]
Trademark registration Do you know the requirements for fonts
A word trademark may not use the words prohibited in Articles 10 and 11 of the Trademark Law. When reviewing trademarks in China, trademarks composed of Chinese characters (including Chinese phonetic alphabet) and English characters are based on [View details]
Trademark registration What kind of font can teach you several methods
The intellectual property rights involved in fonts and font libraries are roughly like this. A specific word in a font can actually be used by anyone to express feelings, so every word in the font library should not be regarded as beautiful [View details]
Trademark registration Five things to pay attention to teach you several skills
1. The color of most registered trademarks applied for registration is black and white. After successful registration, the color can play its own role. You can match it as you want. However, if the color trademark applied at the beginning [View details]
"Unusual" Trademark registration How to handle the knowledge
Trademark applicant is applying Trademark registration The applicant should learn to master this kind of knowledge. Then choose the appropriate trademark according to the type of trademark you want to apply for Trademark registration Mode. For example, [View details]
Trademark registration How difficult it is to apply
Trademark application stage: 1. Determine the name. Maybe you have tried your best to come up with a pleasant name that conforms to the industry temperament. After searching for it yourself, there is no one. You are happy to think you can apply. NON [View details]
geographical indication Trademark registration What are the precautions to teach you some practical skills
stay Trademark registration In the process, we often encounter three pitfalls, namely, emergency registration, long-term protection and early protection. After reading it, many people said that they had stepped into such a hole, and some small partners also invested in the intellectual property owners [View details]
Trademark registration Do you know the "common name" of
Article 11 of the Trademark Law stipulates that the mark with only the general name, figure and model of the commodity shall not be used as Trademark registration How to determine whether a trademark is a common name? How can we avoid trademarks [View details]
international Trademark registration There are three "pits" to teach you how to avoid
Recently, Amazon India Station launched the Project Zero anti-counterfeiting plan. Only authorized brands can directly mark and delete infringing listings. Amazon's move will drive more and more Chinese cross-border e-commerce sellers to pay attention [View details]
increase Trademark registration Skills of Success Rate Teach You to Register Trademarks Quickly
The way to obtain a trademark is nothing more than to register a trademark or transfer a trademark. However, many start-ups will choose a registered trademark first because of financial problems. With the increasing number of trademark applications [View details]
Trademark registration Don't use these letters to teach you not to be rejected
Abstract: People think that the registration of alphabetic trademarks will make their brands taller, but there are still many rejections. Why? Friends must remember that these lettered trademarks cannot be used, otherwise [View details]
How important are trademarks to enterprises? How to avoid losses
After satisfying the basic needs of food, clothing and warmth, people pay attention to quality, so when purchasing products, people will choose products with well-known brands, and brand development depends on trademark protection, so more and more [View details]
Trademark registration The most easily misspelled information can teach you several questions
Summary: Trademark registration Information is Trademark registration The materials and information provided by the applicant to the Trademark Office when applying for registration generally include the name of the registrant, enterprise name, registered address, etc Trademark registration For people [View details]
Trademark registration Five benefits of all kinds of protection teach you how to do well in brand protection
Abstract: The reason why fake and shoddy products emerge in endlessly in the market, even the sales volume of fake products is better than that of genuine products, is that many enterprises do not pay attention to the protection of all types of trademarks. For example, the first six walnuts, when giving gifts [View details]
Do you know that the use of a trademark without registration has such a serious impact
Abstract: In this era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Enterprises should not only gain a firm foothold in the market through cost-effective products and high-quality services, but also learn to use [View details]
first application Trademark registration Teach you several key methods
Abstract: With the continuous development of society, people pay more and more attention to the recognition and protection of laws, so trademarks have attracted great attention, Trademark registration Applications are constantly increasing, and the passing rate of trademarks [View details]
Trademark registration Tips for quickly registering a good trademark
Abstract: The market has not moved, and the trademark is in the first place. It is necessary to make the enterprise's brand bigger and better, so we should pay attention to the protection of the trademark. However, the problems encountered in the application process always make everyone at a loss [View details]
Trademark registration What are the basic principles to follow? Teach you some skills
Abstract: Only after successful registration can trademarks become intangible assets of enterprises and be protected by law. In addition, when the applicant submits an application for a registered trademark to the Trademark Office, he/she must comply with [View details]
What are the risks of trademark non registration to promote brand development
A trademark is an important symbol of an enterprise brand, which plays the role of connecting consumers and brands. For example, when we see KFC, we know it is KFC, and when we see the Apple logo that has been bitten, we know it [View details]
Trademark registration How to choose commodity classification and teach you several methods
As we all know, the classification of trademarks is very fine. There are 45 major categories, many branches and many sub categories. So it is also a headache to choose a category for trademarks [View details]
Enterprise application Trademark registration What are the steps of the process to teach you several skills
When registering a trademark, the company hopes to shorten the time as much as possible to obtain the trademark quickly. Generally speaking, it takes one year for the company to register a trademark successfully Trademark registration Before, you need to understand [View details]
Trademark registration What should I pay attention to? Teach you some practical skills
Before registering a trademark, each applicant hopes that his trademark can be successfully registered. handle Trademark registration It is necessary to follow certain process steps to meet the corresponding standards and regulations, so for the application [View details]
How to deal with controversial trademarks
Now there are all kinds of trademarks in our life. Some trademarks are very eye-catching, but if we don't register or fail to register successfully, we may get rid of them [View details]
Trademark registration Do you know why there are objections
In the whole process of the company's development, trademarks are a lifeline of the enterprise and need to be prioritized Trademark registration Only in this way can it be invaluable to the subsequent development of the enterprise. Believe a lot of people [View details]
Trademark registration What are the advantages? Teach you several methods
What is? Trademark registration ? Trademark registration Means that the user of a trademark applies to the national trademark office for registration of the trademark he uses in accordance with the conditions and procedures prescribed by law, and the national trademark office [View details]
What are the functions of trademarks
The registered trademark is exclusive, exclusive, and unique, which belongs to the owner of the registered trademark and is protected by law. Any enterprise or individual without the permission or authorization of the owner of the registered trademark will not [View details]
Why? Trademark registration It takes so long to teach you several methods
A trademark is so troublesome. Why wait so long! The period of registered trademark is particularly long, generally from application to the next Trademark registration The certificate will take more than one year. If your trademark is rejected [View details]
Trademark registration How to deal with the loss of the certificate? Teach you some practical methods
Trademark registration If the certificate is lost or damaged, Trademark registration People should apply to the Trademark Office for reissue Trademark registration Apply for reissue in time. 1、 Application for reissue through processing channels《 Trademark registration There are two ways [View details]
Trademark registration What are the precautions of
Many businesses have their own factories. They have their own products, but their awareness of protection is too weak. Without trademarks, it is difficult to promote their own products. Without their own trademarks, they can't compete with other people's products [View details]
Image & Text Trademark registration What are your requirements
Many businesses know the combination of image and text Trademark registration There are two ways, one is overall registration, the other is separate registration. Advantages of overall registration: it is cheap. A trademark has graphic, Chinese, English and other elements [View details]
Can the trademark be registered urgently
A brand or a company applies for a trademark for itself, and building its own brand is a necessary prerequisite for enterprise development. however Trademark registration It takes time. Many people think that Trademark registration The specific time is too long [View details]
What are the conditions for trademark registration
In ancient China, there was a famous military saying, that is, the soldiers and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first, which means that logistics support plays an important role in the war. In the modern business war, the trademark must go first to develop the domestic market; Expand the international market, [View details]
Trademark registration How long is the validity period of the certificate
The term of validity of a registered trademark is ten years. If it is necessary to continue to use a registered trademark at the expiration of the period, the formalities for renewal shall be gone through in accordance with the provisions within twelve months before the expiration of the period; If they fail to do so during this period, they can be granted a six-month grace period [View details]
Whether the enterprise image can be changed by itself
Recently, I found that many customers like to ask the same question: Trademark registration After the certification, can the font or graphic of the trademark be modified? The answer of the editor is: No [View details]
Initial application Trademark registration You must pay attention to these problems
Speaking of trademarks, in daily life, a variety of trademark logos can be seen everywhere, and a striking and creative trademark is often firmly remembered by everyone, which will attract more friends to know and understand [View details]
How to transfer your own registered trademark
Everyone knows that a trademark is a sign of an enterprise or a product, and each trademark is registered by the Trademark Office and protected by law. What can we do if we don't want the registered trademark [View details]
Trademark registration What questions should I pay attention to
Abstract: With the development of China Trademark registration The sharp increase in quantity, Trademark registration It's getting more and more difficult. The name I've worked hard to come up with may not be able to apply for registration due to various problems. Today, let's take a look at the pre application [View details]
Do you know why the trademark will be infringed when it is successfully registered
Why? Trademark registration Succeeded and was sued for infringing others' copyright? I will answer this question for you in detail! First, the reasons for being sued may include: font infringement, pattern infringement, etc [View details]
Trademark registration I'm not going to teach you something once and for all
Since entering the era of knowledge economy, the competition between enterprises is not only capital, but also brand popularity. Because of this, more and more enterprises begin to protect their brands by registering trademarks. however [View details]
What are the advantages of trademarks? These two points are very important
Yue Li Yue, Kang Shuai Fu, Mai Jie, and so on may make people happy. Every time I think about it, I even want to praise their brain holes. Interesting is interesting, but this behavior may have caused other enterprises [View details]
Is the trademark still available for registration? What are the consequences
For enterprises, they can't wait to carry out business activities after determining the brand name of the trademark, but the trademark has just submitted an application and has not been approved for registration. Can it be put into use? Generally speaking [View details]
Why can't trademarks cover how to improve the success rate of registration
Client: Your family Trademark registration Have you packed it? Editor: Trademark registration I haven't covered this. Trademark customers: If you can't cover it, are you weak? Editor: No matter how many times you are asked [View details]
Trademark registration What are the reasons for the termination of trademark rights after success
Generally, the trademark right refers to the exclusive right of the trademark owner to his trademark. This right is an exclusive right applied by the trademark owner and confirmed by the State Trademark Office [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law