How to avoid being trapped in foreign-related patent applications - snakehead trademark
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How to avoid being pitted in foreign patent applications

Publishing website: Issued on: January 30, 2023 17:07:33

How can foreign patent applications be avoided?

With the growing demand for Chinese enterprises to go global, more and more Chinese enterprises also need overseas patent trademarks to protect their products and technologies. However, most domestic enterprises lack experience and expertise in the application of foreign patents and trademarks. While many domestic service agencies are mixed, foreign patent applications are different from China, and different countries and regions.

Many Chinese enterprises are accustomed to the experience and model of domestic patent agency, and apply it to foreign-related patent applications. There are countless people who have been cheated. So how can applicants avoid being cheated when applying for foreign-related patents?

At present, when many enterprises apply for PCT patents, they often find their own domestic agency or choose the cheapest agency through price comparison mode. But many of them started from "cheap". As the saying goes, it is true that small gains will lead to big losses.

It's easy to prevent foreign patent applications from entering the pit

An old saying goes, "People who don't like to take advantage of others will not suffer losses." Then they should know how to shop around and choose the best one for themselves.

First, understand the cost of the country and region. Although the cost is not a fixed cost, there will be an interval in general, and the lower limit and upper limit can always be expected. And the official fees abroad are also very transparent.

For example, the basic cost of an American enterprise applying for an American small entity invention is about 10000 dollars. The applicant can be careful. Unless there are too many items and pages exceeding the limit, and the number of replies is too high, the fees generally have a reasonable expectation, and it is unreasonable if the fees are too high or too low.

Second, the applicant can completely request the agency to provide details of official fees, bill details, and the name of the external office. Any regular agency will actively cooperate. If the applicant's English is good, he or she can basically understand the basic information of the foreign office, such as whether he or she is professional, whether he or she has the corresponding qualifications and popularity in the local area, and the basic charging standards.

If there is any ambiguity in the composition of the bill, it can be proposed to the agency, and the agency will also make a corresponding explanation. Since the charge of the external office is calculated by time, it is also within the responsibility of a responsible agency to explain the workload, work content and work results, and to calculate the work time to explain the rationality of the cost composition.

Thirdly, the reputation and experience of domestic agencies will also be crucial, because the vast majority of applicants are unable to communicate directly with foreign agencies, or even are fooled by foreign agencies because they do not understand, or have problems in their own management.

If the domestic agency is experienced, has good reputation, and has sufficient professional and management guarantees, professional and formal firms generally attach importance to reputation. Once disputes and problems occur, they dare not make irresponsible mistakes. In addition, excellent domestic agencies usually have their own internal process management software for overseas patents, and monitoring in various countries can basically not rely on foreign agencies.

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