Certification trademark registration, certification trademark registration procedure, certification trademark registration process and fees - Chanyu trademark
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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Certification trademark registration
How to protect the exclusive right of registered trademark?
How to protect the exclusive right of registered trademarks? [Trademark Law] How to protect the exclusive right to use a registered trademark? The exclusive right to use a trademark means that the law authorizes the trademark owner to use its registered trademark on designated goods or services [View details]
What is the method to improve the passing rate of trademark review?
How to improve the passing rate of trademark reexamination? With the increasing number of trademark registrations and the non renewable nature of trademark registration, the possibility of trademark similarity is increasing, so the trademark is rejected [View details]
What is the legal basis for the examination of collective trademarks and certification trademarks?
A certification trademark is a sign that can prove that the goods have reached a certain quality standard. It is also called a guarantee trademark. Some countries also call it guarantee trademark or uniform quality mark. It is usually conducted by a business person with certain authority [View details]
What is the process of trademark registration in Africa?
With the support of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Africa have established a profound friendship. In fact, as early as ancient China, Zheng He had visited Africa four times on his voyages. Now, under the leadership of the Belt and Road Initiative, China Africa trade [View details]
How long does it take for a trademark to object?
[Trademark Law] How long is the time of trademark objection? For an enterprise, trademark is a very important sales channel, and people's perception of the enterprise is often through the enterprise's culture and trademark [View details]
What is the definition of certification trademark? What are the differences between certification trademark and ordinary trademark?
Before trademark registration, many enterprises can easily find the existence of a certification trademark when they understand the relevant knowledge of the trademark. This is a question. What is a certification trademark? How is it different from ordinary trademarks? [View details]
Seven differences between collective trademark and common trademark
The difference between a collective trademark and an ordinary trademark. A collective trademark specifically refers to a trademark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization, which is used exclusively by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the success of users in the organization [View details]
What are the differences between a collective trademark and a certification trademark?
Collective trademarks and certification trademarks are both special types of trademarks, and their access and use standards are much higher than those of ordinary trademarks. What is the difference between a collective trademark and a certification trademark? What are their correlations [View details]

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