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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
License filing
What is the Madrid trademark international registration? Introduction to the list of materials required for Madrid trademark international registration
What materials need to be submitted for Madrid trademark international registration? Madrid International Registration of Trademarks, that is, according to the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks (hereinafter referred to as the Madrid Agreement) or the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks [View details]
How to apply for Madrid trademark international registration?
How to apply for Madrid trademark international registration? If a Chinese trademark applicant wants to apply for trademark registration in overseas countries, there are two main ways, [View details]
What does appearance patent mean? How long is the protection period of the appearance patent?
In the field of design, both industrial design and UI design are related to graphics and appearance. Just like ourselves (natural persons), we have voting rights, name rights, property rights and many other rights [View details]
What are the reasons for the failure of trademark registration? What are they?
There are inevitable risks in trademark registration, so there is the possibility of registration failure. According to different situations, there are various reasons for the failure of trademark registration, among which, the trademark office rejected or partially rejected [View details]
What does the timeliness of trademark rights mean? What does the regionality of trademark rights mean?
According to the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, registered trademarks are protected by the exclusive right to use trademarks. However, in order to balance the interest relationship between the obligee and the public, China's Trademark Law exclusively uses registered trademarks [View details]
What are the problems that need attention in the use of trademarks?
I believe all friends who have applied for trademarks know that it is not easy to apply for each trademark. Therefore, we must pay attention to the relevant issues in the process of trademark use, and we must not cause the illegal use of trademarks [View details]
What is a trademark cancellation? What materials should be prepared for trademark defense?
Both those who want to keep the trademark and those who want to apply for the cancellation of three trademarks should make reasonable use of the enterprise, make reasonable use of the trademark and give full play to the maximum value of the trademark under the protection of their legitimate rights and interests [View details]
Do you have to pay for trademark registration every year? How much does trademark registration cost?
Trademarks, that is, brands, are relatively unfamiliar to ordinary business owners and consumers. Friends who have handled trademark registration should remember the application process vividly, which not only takes a long time to register but also is difficult to issue certificates. can [View details]

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