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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Trademark inquiry
What is the relative reason for the rejection of the registration of trademark intellectual trademark?
What are the absolute reasons and relative reasons for the rejection of trademark registration? Many enterprises are often rejected in the process of trademark application because they do not comply with the provisions. After receiving the rejection document from the Trademark Office, [View details]
Analysis of trademark registration what are the main categories of yunnan toothpaste trademarks?
What are the main categories of Yunnan toothpaste trademarks? Toothpaste, as a necessary tool for brushing teeth, is particularly common in life. Because it is a daily consumable, no one needs toothpaste more frequently [View details]
Do you know what factors determine the trademark classification of Shaanxi tea?
What factors determine the trademark classification of Shaanxi tea drinks? Tea is also one of the most popular drinks. In reality, there are all kinds of drinks. People will choose to drink boiled water, but occasionally [View details]
Conditions and Term of Invalidation of Trademarks for Dry Goods Sharing
Conditions and Time Limit for the Invalidation of Trademarks I. Conditions that must be met for applying for the invalidation of trademarks 1. The trademarks applied for registration in respect of identical or similar goods are copies, imitations or translations of others that are not registered in China [View details]
What are the principles that should be followed in trademark registration?
What principles should be followed in trademark registration 1. Principle of trademark legality According to relevant regulations, signs prohibited by law cannot be used to apply for trademark registration. If the trademark contains a geographical indication of the trademark, and the trademark does not [View details]
How to choose trademark color for trademark registration?
How to choose the color value of the trademark to be high? Black and white trademark advantages The trademark applicant has registered the color trademark and designated the corresponding color. When actually using the registered trademark, it must maintain the color and registration of the trademark [View details]
What are the regulations on software copyright transfer? What are the steps of software copyright transfer?
Regulations and Procedures on Software Copyright Transfer If the software copyright belongs to a natural person, after the death of the natural person, during the protection period of the software copyright, the successor of the software copyright may, in accordance with the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China [View details]
What is the process required for Korean trademark transfer? Introduction to the steps of Korean trademark transfer
Korean trademark transfer process and precautions Korean trademark transfer process: 01 Trademark selection Provide trademark purchase demand, confirm the country, region, category and budget of intended trademark purchase 02 Confirm trademark [View details]

Trademark registration

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Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law