Ordinary trademark registration, ordinary trademark registration time, ordinary trademark registration process and fees - Chanyu trademark
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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
General registration
Do you know what documents need to be prepared for Madrid trademark international registration?
What materials should be submitted for Madrid trademark international registration? Madrid International Registration of Trademarks, that is, according to the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks (hereinafter referred to as the Madrid Agreement) or the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks [View details]
Can a natural person apply for a trademark? Can I get a registered trademark from an agent?
What common problems will you encounter when applying for the registration of Japanese trademarks? What common problems will you encounter when applying for the registration of Japanese trademarks? When it comes to Japan, I believe that most people don't have a good opinion of it, but they have a good opinion of enterprises [View details]
Do you know the unavoidable risks of trademark registration?
There are inevitable risks in trademark registration, so there is the possibility of registration failure. According to different situations, there are various reasons for the failure of trademark registration, among which, the trademark office rejected or partially rejected [View details]
What are the principles that trademark registration should follow?
In the actual work of trademark registration, we must follow certain principles of trademark registration. What are the principles of trademark registration? 1. The principle of trademark legality is prohibited by law according to relevant regulations [View details]
What does trademark infringement mean? What are the manifestations of trademark infringement?
With the development of society, complaints and reports of trademark infringement are increasing. On the one hand, it reflects the increasing awareness of protecting the rights of enterprises, but it also shows that a large number of legitimate trademark rights and interests in society are being increasingly [View details]
How to choose the type of registered trademark?
When registering trademarks, it is very important to choose the category. Enterprises need to choose according to their industries. When choosing categories, they can also make industry layout for the future. In general [View details]
An analysis of trademark registration whether international trademarks must be registered in china?
Now many brands have played a vital role in the development of the company. They not only have a loud brand in China, but also in the world. They are also an important factor in the development of the enterprise. So international trademarks are [View details]
Do you know what constitutes malicious trademark registration?
The identification criteria of maliciously registered trademarks are: whether they are actually used after registration; Whether reselling or reselling is conducted after registration; Whether it constitutes preemptive registration. In combination with the actual situation, if [View details]

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