Collective trademark registration, collective trademark application, collective trademark use rules - snakehead trademark
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Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Collective trademark registration
What should we pay attention to in trademark registration?
Can creative characters be registered as trademarks? Some applicants know that when designing trademarks, if the font design of Chinese characters is different from other designs, they can pass the examination, but if it is too exaggerated [View details]
How long is the international trademark registered? Introduction to the time of international trademark registration
You can apply for trademarks domestically and internationally. International trademarks are more valuable than domestic trademarks. Some people have applied for international trademarks a year ago, but more than a year ago [View details]
What are the qualifications and conditions of the applicant for certification trademark registration?
The certification trademark, also known as the warranty trademark, is applied for registration by the chamber of commerce, organ or other organization with certain authority. The applicant has the ability to identify the goods using the certification trademark and is responsible for the warranty [View details]
What documents are required for collective trademarks and certification trademarks
Different application documents for collective trademark and certification trademark, knowing the difference between collective trademark and certification trademark, and both certification trademark and collective trademark are trademarks that have been approved and registered through application, and both enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks [View details]
What are the origins of collective trademarks? The legal process
What is the origin and legal process of collective trademarks? Collective trademarks derive from Article 7bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (hereinafter referred to as the Paris Convention) and the Madrid Agreement and its Implementation Rules. [View details]
Do you know how the collective trademark registration charges for trademark registration?
What is the charging method for collective trademark registration? The trademark registration application shall pay the trademark registration fee for acceptance according to the regulations. Each application shall be accompanied by proof of payment of the application fee. Apply for trademark registration or handle other businesses [View details]
What causes the collective registered trademark to encounter cold air?
Now collective trademark registration has become commonplace. A few years ago, the Pearl River Delta also set off an application boom. The most obvious difference between a collective registered trademark and an ordinary registered trademark is that the collective registered trademark [View details]
What is the difference between general trademark registration and collective trademark registration?
When it comes to trademark registration, the classification of trademarks must appear in your mind. The general classification of trademarks is general trademark registration and collective trademark registration. Although both are trademark registrations, they are still [View details]

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