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Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]
Guarantee registration
What is the selection form of trademark intellectual trademark category?
When choosing a category, we should not only focus on one aspect. The choice involves many reasons. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of various reasons, we can choose a trademark category suitable for the enterprise [View details]
What is the trademark examination procedure of the Trademark Office for trademark registration?
There are only two ways to register a trademark in Yunnan: trademark registration process and fee registration. At present, there are only two ways to register trademarks: 1. Fill in trademark application documents by yourself and submit them to the State Trademark Office. 2. Entrusted trademark agency [View details]
How to solve the problem of logo design theft? Introduction to the solution to the theft of logo design
[Trademark Law] What should we do if the logo design is stolen? The logo of a product is more important. If it can have a better recognition, then the success rate of the product will be higher. If someone else makes it [View details]
What documents should be submitted for trademark registration?
What are the procedures for the registration of guaranteed trademarks? What materials should be submitted for trademark registration? In China, if an individual wants to apply for trademark registration or handle other matters related to trademarks, there are two ways: the first one [View details]
When will the trademark be filed with the customs? Trademark Customs Filing Process
What does the trademark customs record mean? Why do we need to do the trademark customs record? Today's small edition will give you an answer: Why should we do the trademark customs filing? What does the trademark customs filing mean? 1. Trademark Sea [View details]
What are the steps for the registration of guaranteed trademarks? What documents are required for trademark registration?
What are the procedures for the registration of guaranteed trademarks? What materials should be submitted for trademark registration? In China, if an individual wants to apply for trademark registration or handle other matters related to trademarks, there are two ways: the first one [View details]
What are the contents of trademark exclusive right?
What are the contents of the exclusive right to use a trademark? Trademark registration is the prerequisite and condition for the trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark. Only the trademark that has been approved for registration is protected by law. Then the exclusive right of trademark includes [View details]
Do you know what requirements need to be met for trademark warranty registration?
Trademark guarantee registration conditions. Trademark registration means that the trademark owner, in order to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark, applies to the Trademark Office for registration of the trademark he uses in accordance with the registration conditions, principles and procedures prescribed by the State [View details]

Trademark registration

patent application

Copyright Services

legal service

Trademark transaction


It's better to ask directly than to watch hard!! Trademark; Patents; Copyright; law