Do you know how to apply for international trademark registration- Trademark of snakehead fish
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Do you know how to apply for international trademark registration?

Publishing website: Issued on: February 22, 2023 16:31:59
How to apply for Madrid trademark international registration? If Chinese trademark applicants want to apply for trademark registration in overseas countries, there are two main ways. One is to apply for trademark registration by themselves or entrust one country by one, that is, the applicants apply for trademark registration to the trademark authorities of each country. The other is the trademark registration between the member countries of the Madrid Union through the Madrid International Trademark Registration. The international trademark registration mentioned by all of us in the same trade is the Madrid trademark international registration now mentioned. The Madrid Union is the special union for the international registration of trademarks established by the countries or organizations between governments that are used in the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Agreement. How to apply for Madrid trademark international registration? Let's talk about this topic today.

1、 Qualifications of applicants for the international registration of Madrid trademarks

The applicant must have certain qualifications to be able to file an international trademark application. The Chinese applicant shall have a true and effective business place or residence in China or own a Chinese international. This is the international trademark application qualification of the Chinese applicant.

2、 Conditions for Application for International Registration of Trademarks

In order to apply for international trademark registration, certain trademark registration application procedures must be started in the basic country. The country designated by the applicant for protection needs to be a party to the Madrid Agreement, and the trademark applied for international registration must be a registered trademark in the base country.

3、 Ways of applying for international trademark registration

Generally, there are two ways to apply for Madrid trademark international registration through the trademark authority of the base country:

1. Entrust a qualified trademark agency service company recognized by the state to handle the application;

2. The applicant may, on its own, submit an international application for a trademark to the trademark office of the base country.

4、 Steps of applying for international trademark registration

Prepare the application documents for international trademark registration - apply to the trademark authority of the basic country - pay the fees for international trademark registration according to relevant regulations - obtain the certificate of Madrid international trademark registration

matters needing attention

If the applicant designates the international trademark registration application of the United States, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and other countries, the applicant can often receive the examination opinion or the notice of temporary rejection from these countries, which will cause more or less loss in time and expense to the international trademark registration of our country's trademark applicant. The main reason for the above problems is that when these countries joined the Madrid Union, they made certain reservations or declarations about certain provisions of the Madrid Agreement or Protocol. Therefore, the examination of certain elements of Madrid's international trademark registration application is mainly based on the national laws and regulations.

nullification of a trademark
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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