Why register a trademark? Introduction to the reason for trademark registration - Chanyu trademark
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Why register a trademark? Introduction to reasons for registered trademarks

Publishing website: Release date: 2023-02-10 16:41:04
Why register a trademark? Importance of trademarks

What is a trademark? Simply speaking, a trademark is a brand of goods, which mainly distinguishes between products and services. This kind of mark is composed of words, graphics or a combination of the two. So why should we register a trademark?

First, let's understand what would be bad if there was no trademark. If the trademark is used first for registration, the consequences will be very bad. You can imagine what you should do if your trademark is preemptively registered by others? Do you want to change your brand name or buy the trademark that should belong to you at a high price? This is also the reason why we often say that trademarks go first. According to China's Trademark Law, who submits the trademark registration is the first to own it.

From this aspect alone, we can easily find the importance of trademarks, which is why we want to register trademarks. Only when an enterprise has a trademark, it can have the protection of the brand. If its own trademark has value, you don't have a trademark, and you don't have this value. Another weakness of unregistered trademarks is that unregistered trademarks cannot form industrial property rights, and therefore cannot become intangible assets of users. As China's Trademark Law stipulates that the exclusive right to use registered trademarks is protected by law, unregistered trademarks are not protected by law, and their users do not enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks. Therefore, strictly speaking, only registered trademarks are industrial property rights in China, and only registered trademarks can become intangible assets of enterprises.

nullification of a trademark
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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