How should a company cancel its trademark? Introduction to the Company's trademark cancellation method - snakehead trademark
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How should a company cancel its trademark? Introduction to the Company's trademark cancellation method

Publishing website: Release date: December 19, 2022 15:37:06

How should a company cancel its trademark?

[Trademark Law] How should a company cancel its trademark? As a cultural legacy of an enterprise, a trademark is a competitive weapon of soft power. It is a pity that a valuable trademark loses its pre-existing significance with the cancellation of an enterprise. How should a company deal with the cancellation of a trademark?

1. Transfer the trademark in a timely manner before cancellation;

2. If the trademark is not transferred, the ownership and retention of the trademark will be determined according to the resolution in the enterprise liquidation report;

3. If the ownership of the trademark right is not indicated in the liquidation report, all shareholders of the original company can deal with the property omitted in the cancellation liquidation of the company;

4. According to the provisions of Article 47 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, if the trademark registrant dies or terminates, and the registered trademark has not been transferred within one year from the date of death or termination, anyone may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark;

5. If the trademark is registered in the name of the company, the trademark right will not exist after the cancellation of the company, and anyone can use the trademark. Therefore, to transfer the company's trademark, the company should go through the trademark transfer procedures before registering the company.

nullification of a trademark
Trademark of snakehead fish
Chanyu trademark is a professional intellectual property agency. existing... [View details]

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